Got an owl from mum and dad yesterday. They won't be able to get me back for Christmas. This is the first time this has happened, and I don't know why. It won't be Christmas without them; I wonder if it will be Christmas for them without me. Aimée owled me as well; she'll be going home for Christmas, but wishes she could spend it with myself and my family.
The Ball is coming up. I bought myself some dress robes, but I doubt I'll be wearing them unless I get a partner. I wonder if you can go alone?
Our Quidditch game was unbelievable. I cheered them all on the entire time. Lost one of my pom poms, though.
Alicia sat in thought, not wanting to move, not wanting to breathe; just wanting to be.
I miss them, she thought.
Five minutes later, a thought of evil genius entered her head. She grabbed her Muggle CD player and tip-toed down to the Common Room. From her pocket she produced a spool of fishing line, and deftly weaved it around the bannisters leading up to the boys' dormatories. Heh, heh, she thought. Good thing they left the barriers that they put on the girls' dormatories off on the boys'.
She popped a CD in the CD player. Sonorus! she whispered, pointing her wand at the speakers. Pressing "play" the sound of music slowly increased its volume until it was almost blaring, and Alicia had to cover her ears, and hid behind one of the great armchairs. The Bangles' "Walk Like an Egyptian" drifted up to the dormatories, and Alicia waited for people to come see her handywork...perhaps fall victim to it...
OOC: Jump on in, Gryffindors! Any guy who wants to make a fool of themselves and get stuck, go right ahead!