Title: And With a Whimper
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest (Dean/Sam), zombies, death
Spoilers: General knowledge of series
Disclaimer: Don't own
Note: While a good portion of the information is influenced by The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, I don't own my own copy. So what's in here is a mix of the book
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Comments 19
Can I just say I love you for the Resident Evil reference!! One of my all time favorite bad movies XD I can totally see Dean & Sam eradicating the zombie "infestation." You would think a story involving zombies would be a crack!fic but you made it heartbreaking and serious while still having some silly moments (e.g. "head shot!"). Thank you so much for sharing :D
He catchs [catches] his target, and the trigger jerks.
The world ends with a bang.
I love how this line becomes so much more significant once you read the last line of:
Dean aims for the brown, shaggy mop, and with a jerky motion, pulls the trigger.
And Dean's world ends.
Thank you! I love RE (games and movies), and The Zombie Survival Guide is funny and slightly eerie.
See, I was reading, and thinking - zombie apocolypse, neat, but only a town? That's not exactly the end of the world.
And then the last bit.
Oh. Oh.
It is.
*cries* You made me sad. But it's a very good fic.
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