Sick Day DITL

Mar 26, 2013 08:04

I stayed home with a bad cold and felt sorry for myself.



Nap. Repeat. Repeatedly.

It's a beautiful day. I don't care.

I check on our Dark Charity and Clever Jeanette facebook page. Middle Daughter wants 200 likes by her birthday in April. We have a ways to go.

I dial in to a meeting for work.

I should clean off the end table, but I don't.

Molly is tired of laying around the house, so she tells me she wants to go outside.

Where she can lie around the yard for a change of pace.

Because DITL.

We bought new towels this weekend, so I mark the old ones so Husband can tell them apart.

I put a chicken on to boil and throw some kale in the oven.

That's all the domesticity I can manage, so Internet for a while and check on our Spotted Hound blog.

Molly comes back in and settles in for a nap. She's a very nappy dog.

I have some kale chips and read.

Husband comes home and plays with Molly.

Middle Daugher comes home and tells me about the awesome dreamcicle she had at work.

The Boy comes home and makes a dramatic entrance.

Chicken and Dumplings for dinner. I like fluffy dumplings.

The Boy snuggles with Molly for a bit.

Middle Daughter works on setting up our Tuesday Tip.

Husband makes popcorn and we snuggle on the couch to watch Castle. Then I crash.
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