Post 4 - Cruising to Tallinn

May 18, 2008 17:01

Shit its been like a month since my last post!..
OK, Estonia.

So, everyone says. Make sure you take a cruise across the Baltic, its full of wild parties and other such good times.
Here we are warming up for such craziness. All prepped with prime locations on deck.

Then came the freezing Baltic winds to drive you indoors

Then came the bingo...

Then came the tribute to ABBA band (high Sweden's answer to high 5 and country music ta-boot)

Then came 8 hours of extreme average experiences with two Latin guys who and never been on a boat before, coming to the harsh realization that they get seasick on water that has as little turbulence as the waves produced by a fart in a bathtub.

So, anyway, this lead to their perspective of Estonia to look something like the constant need to be close to the earth.

And of course, despite my recommendations, we took the same 8 hour cruise back again two days later. The Latins were f*cked for a week... eheheh.

We did manage, however to fulfill our life goals of peeing off the side of a cruise ship. Stamp that one in the passport!

And thus, I, who didn't feel a thing, was left to be active and venture around town myself.

First port of call, was medieval food. Right in the center of old town is this place, you cant miss it.
I cant even remember what I ate, elk and fig or something, but it was good, and the service was quite good (a refeshing change from Sweden)

This place sells bear meat, if you want it. It crossed my mind to try that, but passed on this occasion.
More importantly this place sells CINNAMON BEER!... and it is the best shit you have ever had. No matter what the situation, cinnamon beer will solve 100% of your problems. We went back there 3 times for this. It is a total must do!.

Ok, so this is old town, Tallinn. Its all churches, old streets and little stands with cute girls in read hoods selling caramelized nuts.

AND Tallinn by night is apparently a massive party crazy city. Its Riga, but apparently cooler....


So, no photos on this? why? ... because we got ripped. APPARENTLY, one year ago to the day we got there, the Estonian government decided that they would rip out some famous statue ... *wikipedia search - bugger it* .... some significant RUSSIAN status. And all the Russians were pissed about this.
Now, we had no idea about this. And why should we.
EXCEPT, for some reason every single person I have explained this to has responded with: “OH yeah, I remember that!”... WTF?
Anyway, the town was real quite for, basically, that weekend only. DOH!.
We finished up in some bar with a bunch of drunk Russians in funny hats singing traditional songs. That was ok I suppose.

History: So anyway, Tallinn was founded by Dominican Aliens.

This was presented to me in the old Dominican monastery museum, where you pay 50 EK (um,... $5 ish) to have a old Quasimodo character show you around a very small and cold building explaining you things in any one of is 4 incomprehensible languages (bad German, bad English, even bad Estonian) I had no fucking idea what he was talking about.
There an “semi-ancient” texts library here (like books from the 50's) that are, of course, in a different language, and he insists on you sitting and pretending that you are reading them. It was most entertaining... oh and there was an opera singer visiting the monks singing chamber. That was cool.

Tallinn really is a beautiful city. There are lots of museums and nice looking buildings and such. But dont go on Sunday, ... or saturday afternoon. Everything closes.

This building (background) was also closed when I get there, and is some sort of museum of sorts. I knocked on the door and a troll looking man with the direst look I has even seen open it, glared and me, and pointed at the open hours before slamming the door in my face.
RUDE!. It was photo worthy even and I was to go back and spring him with blazing cameras of “now your going on the internet” type revenge...
This was of course until I noticed the following sign...

I decided that practical jokes would not be partaken here.

Religion: This was taken in the big domed church on the hill.. you know the place.

This day was magical blessed cake day. Where all the locals take in cakes and food and what not, and put them on long tables so that they, and their cakes can get blessed with a sprinkling of holey water. I dont know what it was really for, but I put my camera anyway to get it blessed.
There was strictly no photos in this place. But the priest was getting his photo with two alter boys. I totally wish I got a photo of that one, but I wasn't quick enough. Its hypocrisy anyway.

Culture: Probably the coolest thing I liked here was that there is a lot of craft and arts. Im sure all cities reading this will be like “pff, we do that” ... but Tallinn seems to wear it on its sleeve. There were many little stores and galleries on all the poky little streets. The coolest thing was that in them the people would actually be making the things they were selling. Ie: there would be someone on the potters wheel in the ceramics stores, etc.

Ok, so thats Estonia.

In other news, im seeing this gorgeous girl in Sweden now, Pics are on FaceBook, for those in a hurry,
otherwise the next post will be about Sweden. Plenty of cool little adventures happening here too.

Take care everyone!
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