I'm flying down to Melbourne bvetween Feb the 23rd and 26 for a blink-and-you-missed-it visit.
Cannot fucking wait for Behemoth tonight. I'll catch the first half of the Conquer All festival, leave for the Soccer, and if need be, leave early to be back in time for Behemoth. live sport + live music = excellent night.
"Jesus christ if I lived in this town I'd just go ahead and shoot myself. You can't even spell Ulladulla without fucking Dull. Think about it..." - En Route to Batemans...
I've returned. Who noticed I'd gone??? Good times were had by all.
The letter I posted yesterday was printed in todays Daily Telegraph. I must admit, for a right wing rag, the D.T has had a surprisingly open minded coverage of the events in the shire, I've been rather surprised. Stay safe everyone.
I'm off to Byron Bay for a week to lick my wounds, and no doubt have the living snot beaten out of me by the locals on a nightly basis
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