Who: Batman, Robin (and if anyone else wants to jump in, they're more than welcome)
What: Batman steps through the door, and ends up god knows where.
When: Um..sometime at night. Probably after the log posted below that no one jumped on.
Open?: Sure.
"Robin, report." Batman's voice cut through the silence - tense, demanding. There was a pause and a click, before his partner's voice cut through into the headset.
"Nothing. There's nothing."
How many times do I have to tell you?
Robin's unspoken irritation did not go unnoticed, and Batman frowned. He'd been watching his maps, watching new lights blip in and move. These were new people - appearing the same way he and Robin had. The population of this city was increasing at a disturbing rate. It had gone from dead to about ten dots fading in and out of the screen. Occasionally, some would ghost in and out, and Batman had noticed that sometimes the actual physical scenery seemed to change without warning.
He'd watched the weakly established communication network of people's experiences - online journals, the same as the ones that many people kept back home. A way of recording experiences and also communicating with others at the same time. And in a place where you felt so disconnected it was almost essential and maybe the only way of finding others so far. He hadn't commented, but he'd watched. Watched and took mental notes.
Robin was better at working his way in with others, and Batman had left the boy to his area of expertise, sitting back and watching. Waiting.
For what, he still wasn't sure.
It was time to get out - he couldn't stand sitting here any longer.
A few minutes later, he radioed over - voice distorted.
"Send me your exact coordinates."
The door he'd gone through had appeared to lead out into the streets just outside the warehouse, but he'd quickly realized that the scenery wasn't right. He wasn't outside the warehouse district - he wasn't near anything he'd seen before in the city - no big buildings, but rather what appeared to be a residential district. Old houses, rustic and dilapidated with narrow cobblestone streets between them. He had no idea where he was, or how to get back - he'd tried to retrace his footsteps, but found that where ever he'd come from had quickly disappeared behind the warehouse door when he'd closed it.
Tracing Robin had been his best bet, but the GPS was shaky here at best - he hadn't quite integrated his map into it, and the damn thing wasn't even turning on.