to sit on menstrual blood? hee hee. Clever. A theory about the chair originating from the earliest menstrual rituals and menstrual taboos is the research subject of Judy Grahn, Ph.D. author of Blood, Bread & Roses: How Menstruation Created the World in 1993. The idea of the high heel invention is similar -- its purpose to lift and separate the menstruant from the ground.
I've been browsing you website and your journal, and I gotta say that the PAINTINGS are impressive, but if they are really made of menstrual blood then it's just gross.
I was actually wondering how much you bleed *I do not want an answer on that one* or if you just "sample" it, and keep it so you can make bigger paintings. Because there are some quite massive pieces of blood there...
You are really talented, so why don't you use your talent on something else. Like real colours maybe, not blood? :)
Comments 66
Now that would put forth an interesting conceptual challenge to someone....
I was actually wondering how much you bleed *I do not want an answer on that one* or if you just "sample" it, and keep it so you can make bigger paintings. Because there are some quite massive pieces of blood there...
You are really talented, so why don't you use your talent on something else. Like real colours maybe, not blood? :)
Thanks. I am busy with other creative projects.
I think blood red makes a fantastic color.
It's probably the most "real" color out there, if colors can be such a thing.
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What gave you the idea to use your menstrual blood? I don't think I've ever seen such a thing before
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