He Dont Understand!
November 30 2003, 13:16:03 UTC
This person don't understand that the paintings are art. It is the art of a woman and they are paintings of women! You are If she is disturbed so is this person because he is looking at the painting,s
Ho-Hum. I miss the good old days on this journal when people were more creative in their hostilities. In the case of the inciting comment it could be said that the Tedium is the Message.
Re: To Anonymous
October 26 2003, 01:13:50 UTC
yea that was me that made that comment, sure its looks nice, but i dont understand any emotion you could have from the fact that its your period, is it liberating? and yea, it is a nono to do somthing like that to most people, because its is pretty damn gross, i mean, you could say, well its a function of my body, well i could say ill smear shit on a paper. but i guess if it somehow you can only express yourself with period blood and not paint.. *shrug* whatever
I.... uh... woah. This is unlike anything I've ever seen. I must agree with some that it's a bit gross and/or disturbing, but at the same time intriguing. It's original. And though I don't feel I'd ever paint a picture with the blood from a vagina... yeah. If it suits you, go for it. That's art. Doing what pleases you.
storing blood
October 30 2003, 16:36:52 UTC
How do you store all the blood or even obtain it. I hate to get graphic but when I am ragging I usually bleed when I go to the bathroom, and it's never more than, say, a tablespoon at a time. I mean, do you crouch over a jug for four days a month? You would have to, wouldn't you?
hi. i just wanted to say that your artwork is beautiful. it takes a really ingenious person to think that blood from your period could be used in such a way. it kinda weirded me out at first but i'm sure that there are weirder things out there than this. i also like how you handle the people that dis you.
Comments 188
When the menstrual blood is used right away and mixed with acrylic there is no odor other than that of acrylic and gessoed masonite.
Try 1 teaspoon of blood to 5 tablespoons of acrylic. You'll be able to make a painting or two. Have fun.
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