guess what? I'm coming over this weekend for some parent love. I should also like to fit a little friend love into the equation as well so if you're up to anything let me know. Hopefully *all you guys* will be in the same place late one night. I would sure like to share a goon bag or two like old times. Then we could wake up late and cruise down to the Walk Cafe for a bacon and mushroom bagel. mmmmmmmmmm, i can taste it already.
And also, what the fuck are you up to of late? I suppose I could peruse your journal... but an abridged version would be far more convenient. You say you're living alone? where and how can you afford such things?
we never talk. this should change. and whatever happened to our limerick war?
anget's LJ stalker is spirallingshape!spirallingshape is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also in jail for murder!
i resent that. I'll have you know I have 3... possibly 4 friends on my friends list! they might not all be actual friends, though. I take what I can get.
Comments 6
guess what? I'm coming over this weekend for some parent love. I should also like to fit a little friend love into the equation as well so if you're up to anything let me know. Hopefully *all you guys* will be in the same place late one night. I would sure like to share a goon bag or two like old times. Then we could wake up late and cruise down to the Walk Cafe for a bacon and mushroom bagel. mmmmmmmmmm, i can taste it already.
And also, what the fuck are you up to of late? I suppose I could peruse your journal... but an abridged version would be far more convenient. You say you're living alone? where and how can you afford such things?
we never talk. this should change. and whatever happened to our limerick war?
LJ Stalker Finder
just because i'm the only person who knows your lj exists...
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