Uhm...yeh. SO... im going to quit..bk and look for another job. Yeh. I hate it there, they fuckin suck...and im tired of it. IF they put me in the kitchen...then fuck them.
Well...what else. I posted pictures.. Uhm....on myspace...
Uh...I think burger king would be my head ache. They suck majorness..and I hate them... They under estimate me...and drive me freakin insane. What the hell is wrong with these people...??
Nothing else much going on, i got a queen size bed.. wahooness..but its still freakin hot in my room :(
IM BORED>...and extrememly...bored. Lol. Guess what again? I start working in like 2 days. Im so excited. I cant wait... i just hope it is a lot of fun. Im a little scared, but its alright...
those phreakers...they gave me 2 sizes to big on my shirts. I felt like a freakin cow.. i was so sad...