Title: Never Gonna Give
What: The World Ends With You fanfiction - triple drabble
Rating: G
Words: 300
Summary: Eri doesn't take Shiki's death well.
Notes: Written for
powerofbondage for a donation to the Red Cross's Canterbury earthquake appeal as requested in
help_nz. I'm down for doing more of these triple drabbles for V-gifts.
The news comes as a phone call.
The news comes as a phone call.
Eri’s on her way back from Molco, where she just scored two VIP tickets to Def Märch’s concert next week (the concert is free, but she’ll pay extra for a meet and greet).
She never remembers the conversation later, just “Shiki”, “an accident”, “didn’t make it”, and the way the wind swept up the tickets when she dropped them. She remembers watching the tickets fly away and not bothering to chase them down, because she was going to give the tickets to Shiki as an apology and if Shiki couldn’t go to the concert, she didn’t want to go at all.
She doesn’t want to do anything without her best friend.
Her mother tells her when the wake is, and it occurs to Eri that she doesn’t actually own any black clothes. Black accessories, yes, but her clothing is all about color. It’s never been a problem before now.
Mindlessly she walks to 10-4. She doesn’t realize until later that she’s just bought yet another cute outfit that she didn’t even think about, and has to go back for a suitable black dress.
Two days pass before she can bring herself to go out with Mina and try to act casual, but Mina asks why she hasn’t been working on anything and she just blurts out that she’s thinking about giving up design. She hasn’t consciously thought about it; she’s only spent the last two days staring at a blank piece of paper and only seeing Shiki and her cat (somehow, Mr. Mew was part of their team too), but giving it up feels right when she says it. Her motivation is gone with her.
“You’re so motivated! Have you ever thought of giving up design?”
“Never. Well, once - in a bad dream.”