tutorial: host your own live previews

Dec 12, 2008 08:02

I recall someone asked this a while ago, so as always, I'm happy to share the knowledge. :)

The advantage of an externally-hosted live preview is that it's there as long as you want it to be, not to mention you don't have to keep creating 1974324 new journals and communities for each of your layouts.

1. First, you need a web host. There are many free commercial sites like Freewebs if you can't pay for your own hosting; there are also nice people on the web who offer subdomain hosting for free. You won't need a lot of space since the live previews are small files, relatively speaking.

2. Now navigate to your layout and right-click the page. In Firefox, select View Page Source. (You can probably find a similar option in other browsers.) Copy everything in the window that pops up.

3. Open up Notepad and paste in the contents of the page source. Save this as a .html file (I save it as .php simply out of habit) and upload it to your web host.

4. This is an optional step, but recommended if you constantly change and delete the userpics used on your preview account, like me. LJ keeps deleted userpics around longer than expected, but they will disappear after a while.

Upload any userpics in the preview to an external site like Photobucket, or the web host you're using. Then go to your .html file and CTRL+H (Replace) the old LJ url with your new one.


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