Title: All in Grey
Comments: Inspired by Pete Hautman's godless.
All people don’t think alike.
Never will you find two minds that travel the exact same path. There will always be detours somewhere along the way, and their thoughts will take them apart. The probability of meeting up again is the same as missing each other by mere millimetres. Experiences vary and so do these minds.
People can be radically different or surprisingly similar. But never are they carbon copies of each other. Shaped by life, everyone has a different map, diagram, picture of who they were, who they are and who they will become. They are who they are.
A single opinion can be found in many minds, but to try and find an opinion that is encompassed by all minds is an impossible task. Even people will disagree with that. See how diverse the world is?
The list of likes and dislikes goes on forever. A vast list, greater than anything imaginable. These are the properties that create individuality, for all humans are individuals. Together yet separate. Different yet the same.
Plenty of room for understanding and misinterpretation. For example, a kiss. A sign of love, a sign of friendship, a sign of family, a sign of respect. What meanings take place; when, where and why? Intentions can be confused and in the end, people believe only what they want to believe.
Things are as ambiguous as what is right and what is wrong and what is in between. Any lines that exist between these categories shift from person to person. In that case, are they even categories anymore?
People say that for all our differences, we are all human. Yes, we are, aren’t we? Is this a truth that rings in everyone’s heads when we look at our world, trying to separate and merge its differences? To say no would be to avoid one contradiction and to instead run into another. What is truth and what are lies and what is a little bit of both?
Black and white and grey. Or gray. Whichever is preferred, whichever is favoured, whichever is easier on the eyes. Nevertheless, a distinction is present, even though the meaning is the same. Even though the meaning starts just after black and ends just before white. Or vice versa. What are beginnings and ends anyway, if not metaphorical extremes? At the end of the road is the beginning of grass. Or dirt. Or water. Or sand. Anything and everything and something. Or even nothing.
Nothing never exists. Nothing exists forever. Do never and forever always contradict each other?
Do people always contradict each other?
Most of the time we say that we are all the same, and yet we act on our differences that define us as individuals. So humans are different and the same, depending on the shade of grey that anyone looks at. On the macro level, all appear the same. On the micro level, all appear different.
Are we focusing too much on the micro? Are we losing touch with the macro? Or, perhaps we are hovering in between, some days closer to micro and some days closer to macro. Notice though, that they aren’t too far apart. One letter change and micro is macro, macro is micro. Too bad it’s all not so simple.
It seems instead that we all are in grey. Some are closer to black, some are closer to white, but no one can be strictly black or white, no matter how hard anybody tries. And no two, let alone many, people sit on the exact same area of grey, among the infinite greys.
You don’t have to agree with this. You do sit on a different patch of grey than I do, that’s for sure.
All people don’t think alike.