Title: Reverse Dough
Comments: A rather sudden inspiration, rather than random. It's kind of an abstraction about something else that's been on my mind...
At first I had a dream
A vision I wanted to attain
And it was going to be done, for
I could see the way stretched out before me
It would be a hard trek
But I was determined enough
And I wasn't ashamed to seek help
So soon, I had others’ voices direct my beginnings
Those voices spoke of wondrous plans they said that they had for me
Having little else to do I followed their words
I was ecstatic, until
I started going down questionable paths
But the voices clamoured over my suspicions
Mist covered my vision
Obscuring the future ahead
Hiding the road and hiding the holes
Where I could trip, stumble, perhaps even fall
Did I lose my way?
I couldn't seem to remember
Where I was going, what I was doing
And now I didn't know where to put my foot next
But the little voices beside my ear said that they’d be my faithful guide
Having little else to do I followed their words
I was satisfied, until
I realized I didn’t know myself anymore
And that I was heading aimlessly toward nowhere
Where am I heading now?
The doubt surfaces up again
Is it too late to turn back, before
I unknowingly step off the edge of a cliff?
Do those voices have their interests or my interests in their minds?
Having little else to do I follow their words
I am their puppet, until
I break free of these unsightly restraints
That I only have the heart to acknowledge now