Title: Hippo-nation
FANFICTION: Super Junior-M
Rating: G
Comments: Written for the
qmibao weekly challenge. Just because. 8D And 'gom' = 곰 = 'bear'. *nods*
What a lovely morning. Fluffy clouds are lazing around the rosy sky, just as the sun peeks over the horizon. The birds chirp in delight, flitting around the warming air. And within a cozy house close by...
"Yah, Mi-ge!"
This time Kyuhyun is up and about, trying to wake up his friend. Today though, Zhou Mi is exhausted.
"Go 'way. I'm tiiiired..." Zhou Mi slurs in a mish-mash of Chinese and Korean, a tendency he falls into when he's not thinking properly. He waves his arms pitifully in an attempt to make Kyuhyun disappear. "Don't bother me..."
Kyuhyun frowns. And pouts. Then he whines.
"Mi-ge! You have to wake up!" He starts to clamber onto the bed.
Zhou Mi protests. "I do not have to wake up! I'm... I'm... I'm hibernating!"
Kyuhyun frowns again.
"What's hi-hi-hippo-maaaating?" His tongue struggles around the foreign Chinese words.
Zhou Mi is too brain-dead to remember the Korean equivalent. So he opts for a choppy explanation. "Bears... in winter... they sleep. That's hibernating."
Kyuhyun thinks about this for a moment. Then, "OK." He scampers off the bed and out the room.
In a sigh of relief, Zhou Mi snuggles deep into his blanket. He is just about to fall asleep when he hears, "Mi-gom!" He groans, at the nickname and at the little bundle of energy that has run into his room again.
"Mi-gom!" Kyuhyun shouts again, giggling as he approaches the lump on the bed.
"Go 'waaaaaaay," says the lump, voice muffled.
A sticky figure intrudes under the blanket, landing a spot of sticky substance on the tip of Zhou Mi's nose. It has a sweet, familiar smell.
And the smell draws out the hibernating Zhou Mi. He pokes his head out, trying to see the jar hiding behind his friend. It's a plain clay jar though, and it gives nothing away. So he touches a finger to his nose and takes a lick.
The blanket flurries off and he pounces on Kyuhyun, who squeals and shoves sticky fingers into Zhou Mi's face. "Honey for Mi-gom!"
Zhou Mi attempts growling as he tries to reach for the honey, but he ends up giving tiny sounds of protest as Kyuhyun's body drapes protectively over the jar.
"No honey for Mi-gom until Mi-gom stops hibbermating!" And then Kyuhyun manages to push past his friend to scurry out the door.
Provoked, the bear roars and gives chase, intent on his honey.
Later, they are found in a sticky mess. Both of them are contentedly licking the golden substance from their fingers. The jar lies near by, almost empty.
They are both herded to the bathtub to wash out their stickiness.
"Mi-gom, Will you be hibbernating again tomorrow?" Kyuhyun asks as his hair is scrubbed vigourously, foam floating in the air.
+After some speculation, Zhou Mi shakes his own foamy head. "There's no more honey."
Kyuhyun frowns at this logic. "But I thought hibbernating is sleeping a lot."
"Yeah," Zhou Mi nods, "but after hibernating I want honey! No honey means no hibernating."
Truth be told, even though Zhou Mi loves honey, he doesn't really like being called "Mi-gom" very much.
Children soon forget though, and their imaginations move on to other adventures.
A jar of honey appears in the cupboards the following week.
And traces of honey still remain in the cracks of the floor.