Wonder Of My World (6/?)

Jul 08, 2007 16:34

Title: Wonder Of My World (6/?)
Authors: cammissbloom & woodsbaile_02
Characters/Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Steve Carlson, Christian Kane
Word Count: 5.474
Disclaimers: We don’t own these people, they own themselves. None of this ever happened and, alas, the couple is not real. None of this was meant as an offence to anyone. We’re just pretending, folks.
Notes: (1) Story and ( Read more... )

cammissbloom, wonder of my world, j2, rps

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Comments 6

sarahk_63 July 11 2007, 06:08:06 UTC
He just hopes both Jared and Jensen are strong enough to overcome that fear.

me too!


shelgrainger2 July 30 2007, 13:30:50 UTC
Ahh that was so sweet. Steve is a great friend, I love him to bits. Chris is so cute constantly worrying about Jensen. I really hope this works out for the guys.


ldyghst September 14 2007, 03:16:51 UTC
I love this...

What song is Jensen singing??


ilovemybaby September 14 2007, 12:53:53 UTC
The song is called "Save Me Now", from Andru Donalds ;)


fanofsuper January 16 2008, 22:14:22 UTC
Good for Steve for "blackamiling" Jensen into singing a song with him at the next concert

I really wish I could have heard Jensen singing. He has a great voice.

Things are looking up for Jared & Jensen. Sure hope Sandy doesn't mess anything up


slash_freak_oz June 18 2008, 07:55:27 UTC
I think I'm gonna need botox after reading this....I'm frowning when I see all their worries


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