So it seems that me and Bradleigh are no longer friends.
If there's any confusion, Bradleigh is the guy who came down from Orlando to visit me recently and I got him into Pokemon and taught him some stuff about Comashipping and the fandom and whatnot. I've talked about him a few times on here, too. I referred to him as Boo Boo.
Yeah, well me and him had a falling out. He got all butthurt over the fact that I don't have any romantic feelings for him and gave up on me.
And...I shouldn't be upset about that. I'm not usually one to care about losing a friend. But...Bradleigh was kind of different, I guess. Maybe it's because he was the one friend I thought I'd never lose. He used to tell me all these things, like how much he loved me and that he could never lose me. That I was important to him. And then all of a sudden he decides he doesn't want to be friends with me and gets a girlfriend.
I shouldn't be upset. I should be happy that some guy who wanted to get in my pants decided to stop bugging me. And while I kind of am happy about that, I can't help but be a little hurt. Because I did genuinely see him as a friend. And I did care. And now he's gone. I actually considered talking to him, which is something I usually never do when I lose a friend. But I went against it, because I wanted to see if he would ever start the conversation first. And I didn't want him to know that I kind of missed him. His birthday passed recently, and I decided not to wish him a happy birthday, which probably just bridged the gap further.
There's no way he's over me just like that. He can't be. I know he genuinely loved me. He's probably trying to get over me now. I feel like if he does come back though, I shouldn't accept him back into my life. Because this isn't actually the first time we've drifted apart. The other times were different though, in that they just happened due to us losing touch. But I remember telling him the last time that if something like that were to ever happen again, I wouldn't take him back. It's kind of hard to imagine him not being in my life though, because over the years he's become such a big part of it. I trusted him so much, I told him so much. We had talked about living together while I was in college (although admittedly, I had started to become unsure of those plans). He was one of the few people that I imagined staying with me throughout my life. Now all of that's down the drain. No more visits, no more late night talks, no more nothing. I'm still friends with him on Facebook, but I deleted him from my phone and all of his text messages.
I'll get over it. I know I will. I always do. But it's gonna take a little more time than usual.