|| Player Information ||
Name: Lanie
Personal Journal:
honorableshadowTime zone: Pacific
Contact: segaanime[@]yahoo . com, AIM: spiritflyswatter
Current Characters: First one~
|| Character Information ||
Fandom: Dragon Age II
Name: Anders
Canon Point: Post Act III, they're all running the hell (pardon my pun) away from Kirkwall after defeating Meredith
Is this character dead? Nope.
Thank you for not having me type this. ;w;/ *Anders is from the same continuity as Garrett Hawke (
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." In his younger days, Anders was a witty, sarcastic, charming, and flirtatious man who just wanted freedom away from the Circle of Magi. That was possible for him thanks to the Hero of Ferelden, who had him conscripted into the Grey Wardens. Then, he exhibited a snarky personality that joked around more than his fellow serious wardens would like. Despite his annoying habits, Anders still had a good heart. He wanted to make things right with the violent misunderstanding that occurred in the Wending Wood and spoke against burning down Amaranthine (and thus, the people still in there) when the idea came up.
"Justice once asked me why I didn't do more for other mages. I told him it was too much work. Sometimes, I miss being that selfish." However his self-indulgence ended when he merged with the spirit of Justice. His hatred for the Circle and its Templars corrupted the once benevolent spirit into a demonic being called Vengeance. In his constant mental battle for control over the spirit, Anders becomes more serious and devoted about not only for freedom for himself, but freedom for all mages. This drives him to help those in need regardless of his own situation, such as the many refugees from Ferelden, as well as fellow mages out there.
While his hatred for the Circle and his support for the mages run in the extreme black and white, he is against blood magic. Anders detests it when mages turn to demons for aid (which certainly doesn't help any mage-friendly cause), but he blames the Templars more for pushing mages into desperation. This makes him a tad hypocritical. Nonetheless, he keeps his goal of freeing mages in mind to keep himself going and Justice at bay.
Anders is passionate around those he cares about, for the better or worse. If his friends are threatened (especially if by Templars), he is more than willing to step in to lend them a hand. There is a serious flaw in this if he lets his emotions go out of hand, as Justice may intervene and become the dominant one. An example is when he loses control when he couldn't handle the fact that his friend (and former lover), Karl was made Tranquil, an emotionless drone. And really, who could handle that? There are things worse than death, as Anders says. And when he regains control again, he sadly put Karl out of his misery.
If there is anything Anders is afraid of, it is losing to himself in his mental battle with Justice. What if Justice completely takes over? What if he hurts innocent people? What if he hurts those he cares about? Grey Warden nightmares are not the only things that keeps Anders up at night. Despite that, traces of the good old carefree Anders are still there. Hawke's company helps him deal with his situation while bringing out that familiar cheerful personality every now and then. Hawke is the only person Anders feels he can trust, as he cannot even trust himself. While he loves Hawke more than anyone he has ever met, he is not above lying to Hawke about his plan with the Chantry. And if he must, he would even give up on his relationship with Hawke if it takes him one step closer to freedom for mages. That doesn't mean it wouldn't crush his heart if he did, however. The fact that Hawke still supports him has Anders utterly baffled, but grateful.
Skills | Powers:
As a mage, Anders knows both offensive and defensive spells. Although he leans more towards the role of a supporter/healer, he is a master with
elemental spells such as ice and fire (it's fun to throw fireballs!). His knowledge in
arcane magic grants him telekinetic abilities to enchant weapons of his allies with any element, create protective barriers/shields around himself and his allies, telekinetically blast hostile forces away, and trapping a target in a deadly telekinetic cage. In addition of being knowledgeable of herbs and making salves, Anders has always been gifted at
healing and buffing. He is able to heal multiple people at once along with reviving them if they fall in battle, but only if they still have some breath in them. In short, when it comes to cuts, broken bones, sickness, migraines, that annoying itch between your legs that shouldn't be there- he's a walking pharmacy. But even Anders has his limits. He has a limited amount of mana that drains quickly the longer he exerts himself, especially when he is healing.
Since merging with Justice, Anders is in a constant mental struggle with the now corrupted spirit to maintain control. In the instances where Justice does take over, Anders becomes more powerful, allowing him to cast offensive spells more frequently and inflict heavier damage. The downside of that, aside from being unable to heal and receive healing, is that he becomes nearly unstoppable, at one point almost accidentally killing
an innocent mage. Whenever Justice is out, you can bet that Anders is up there trying to regain control.
See his
specialization here for more details.
First Person Sample:
[Anders feels the device around, eventually finding a little nub on the top (or is it the side?) that slides over. He winces as the unexpectedly bright screen flashes on.] What in the Maker's name is this thing?
[He picks up the stick that is attached to the side of the strange object. Something tells him that it's meant to be tapped against the- oh hey, there it goes!] Is this like a looking glass? Hm. I don't sense any magic. [He taps the thing around some more before he notices that his reflection is displayed on the screen.]
A mirror? [Whoever is watching this will see a blond man with a dark stubble staring into it. He pulls the object closer to him, and then further back. However this thing works, Anders comes to one surefire conclusion:]
Andraste's knickers, I need to shave.
Third Person Sample:
Anders sat on the chair near the fireplace, resting his head on his hand while tapping the table with the other. Time passed quickly while he was scribbling through another draft for his manifesto. His eyes grew weary as he wondered what the time was. Garrett had promised him that he'd be back at the mansion tonight, though the mage had his doubts the moment his lover told him so. "Maybe I should've went to the Hanged Man with him," he mumbled under his breath. Speaking of alcohol, he noticed a bottle of Tevinter wine on the table across the room.
"Ah, that bottle was left by the fellow named...Fenris, I think."
Anders turned his chair to see Bodhan standing at the door. He frowned at the thought of the elf. Whatever Garrett sees in that beast is beyond him. The mage noticed that Bodhan was already dressed for sleep. Sandal and Orana must have went to bed a while ago.
"Would you like me to pour you a glass..."
"Oh, no. It's fine, thank you," Anders replied, doing his best to hide the urge to frown. Even if Justice allowed him to drink, he wouldn't want to drink something given by Fenris of all people. "You should sleep, Bodahn. I'm just going to wait for a while longer."
Anders watched the dwarf excused himself to return to his room. He went back to working on his manifesto, which was getting longer and longer as the days went by. He needed Garrett, the only person he would trust with this, to read it and make sure that it actually sounded academic and not borderline rambling. He finished the last sentence and waited for the ink to dry before rolling it up to move it upstairs to their room. Dog was sleeping soundly on the side of the bed. Without a doubt, the hound would hop on the bed as soon as Anders would, whether Garrett came back tonight or not, much to the mage's dismay.
He looked at the papers again and looked around the room before deciding to stuff them under the bed- again. Would this really be the safest place to keep them? What if a templar came in and...well, what are the odds of that? But what if the odds did happen? Apparently the fumbling had woken the mabari up, with the hound peeking over the bed to see what Anders was doing.
"It's nothing, Dog. Just go back to sleep," he frowned when Dog went over to sniff the papers and gave a curious whine, "He has to read it sometime. It's been three bloody years."
The hound gave a gruff bark as if to disagree. "Well, such a smartass reply coming from a smelly hound," he continued when Dog growled lightly, "It's a compliment! Good...boy. Yes, good boy." He petted Dog behind his ears, where the hound liked it as evident in his tail wagging.
"Ser Pounce-a-lot always liked being scratched here too," Anders said with a small smile. "He'd always purr even when I'm not petting him. Maker, I miss him."
Dog whined in reply, causing Anders to raise a brow out of surprise, "Don't tell me you're sad that I miss my cat. Well, I do. But you're sad about it? It's not the same as missing a meal, you know."
And to that, Dog outright whimpered. Missing a meal? How nightmarish! Perish the thought!
"Maybe it is to you," he said as he rolled his eyes, "Okay, I know I've been waiting too long for your master if I'm talking to you like this." He looked out the window to notice that the sun was starting to rise. And as capable as Garrett was in defending himself, Anders couldn't help but be annoyed and worried at the same time, "Maker's breath! Where is he?"
It was as though the Maker heard his question as he heard the front door open on cue. He followed Dog out of the room to find Garrett, his beloved Champion in his drunken glory. He folded his arms and glared at him, certain that the other is probably seeing six of him at the moment. Anything he wanted to say had to be put to hold for next morning- or rather, later that day, because Garrett passed out before he could explain himself.
Dog sniffed at his master's body and nudged him with his nose. Before the hound even looked at Anders, the mage had already went back to their room and slammed the door. Garrett could explain himself after Anders finished stuffing copies of his manifesto into every nook and cranny of their bedroom.