god virginia. you confuse me so much that i actually understnad its weird. i would like to let you know it was very mean of you to mention your dog getting run over. see i at first thought you were serious. and i was like wtf you monster. and then i kept readin and i was like you know virginia. running dogs over with your pretend car. what has this world come to. lol. i dont know your exact point in the entry but it was a very good one might i add. it sorta is good baotu the future. but what our our real golas at our age. i know one goal is to never let us die out. our friendship i mean. i think this world woudl be lonely without spedness. it can be us against the world indeed. best buds till end. "ill be missing you: - you know what im talkin about. peace out p.
Goddamit, I had a whole comment on your comment, but it got deleted, cus my computer has downs. But one thing I remember saying in there is that the thing about the goals, it doesn't necessarilly mean life-long goals, rather everyday kind of goals, ya know? Like, a daily goal would be like, okay, today I'm going to finish all my incomplete homeworks so I can hand them in tomorrow. Get it? Like it doesn't have to be a goal that you devote your life to, because you're right, who knows at this age? I mean you might have an idea, but not a full out plan that your going to ruin the rest of your life for kind of thing. But anyways, I have to re-read my entry cus quite honestly, I don't remember what in the hell my point was either lol. But when I find out, I will inform all. :D.
Does it really make sence? Lol, good, I was afraid it wouldn't. I mean I understand Alex figuring out what I'm saying becuase we share a mind, but that's pretty cool that other people can understand what I'm sayin' also. >.< Hehe.
Haha I know! I was thinking about those the other day. They were fun. We should start that up again :D. The only problem is that I don't check my email...like...ever. But I guess we could try to do that with LJ, or occasional e-mails. Lol. We'll find a way ;D
Lol, I can't tell if the words "this explains a lot" are good, bad, or just words. But that's cool. Yes! I will try to come up with a more expanded, elaborate version to put in the "book" 8).
nah i mean like ykno how im always trying to get other points of view to understand ppl? well yeah u help me understand ppl n u explain things 2 deeper meaning that i normally wouldn't consider
if that made n e sense...
feel better love u sounded like u were dying on the fone :P
geez virgiia just figure out teh meaning of life why dont ya.....u can manage to sya evevrything i want to with out people getting mad at u its truly amazing hpow much of a way with owrds u have
dude you are really deep...like beastly deep we should call u like doctor gin...almighty philosopher of the world haha...like alex said that was so confuzzing i understood that.
Comments 23
your all trustowrhty
-b wordd up
Love ya mon, later.
~Masta P~
and everything u say makes sense...do u realize how much u explain?? its amazing... :)
lyl gin
Does it really make sence? Lol, good, I was afraid it wouldn't. I mean I understand Alex figuring out what I'm saying becuase we share a mind, but that's pretty cool that other people can understand what I'm sayin' also. >.< Hehe.
Lyl my fellow philosopher. :P
~The spiC
hey i miss all the talks we had over the summer...my fellow philosopher lol
this one should go in da "book" mwahaha i hope it works!!
im tired stfu
Lots of love :D
if that made n e sense...
feel better love u sounded like u were dying on the fone :P
At that exact moment I was choking. Lol.
And yes, what you said did make sense. Lol.
Lf - the spiC
*Lf = Love from.
Thank you though. It's the only thing I have to be proud of my "way with words". XD.
-Love to ya-
u explain a hell of a lot
~C o D i~
Love ya Codi
But thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. :P. I look forward to the next entry ;D.
yeah now i decided to be hyper
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