...if not having a filter so early in the mornings is a good thing
My sister sent this to me (as well as a bunch of other people) in an email...
White House to not do Christmas this year...
Thought you might be interested in this information from the White House.. This isn't a rumor; this is a fact.
A very talented artist for several years has painted ornaments to be hung on the various White House Christmas trees. The WH sends out an invitation to send an ornament and informs the artists of the theme for the year. She got her letter from the WH recently. It said that they would not be called Christmas trees this year. They will be called Holiday trees. And, to please not send any ornaments painted with a religious theme. She was very upset at this development and sent back a reply telling them that she painted the ornaments for Christmas trees and would not be sending any for display that left Christ out of Christmas.
Just thought you should know what the new residents in the WH plan for the future of America . If you missed his statement that "we do not consider ourselves a Christian Nation" this should confirm that he plans to take us away from our religious foundation as quickly as possible.
Just another step toward turning America away from Christianity!
We should shout to the highest hills that the White House is ours - not the Obama's, and 85% of Americans believe in Christ (Christmas).
My response back was a bit more in length than this... but I sent her a message via IM that told her I loved her anyway... :-)
See... this upsets me on a level that most cannot understand...
With all the people in the world that are in need of food, let alone shelter and clothes... we are worried about how someone else celebrates Christmas? With children dying everyday from cancer... we get angry because someone does not want to call it a "Christmas tree"? With women, teens and even young girls getting molested or raped EVERY DAY, we are angered because someone is not of our religion?
We should be upset because a young girl died from getting a cold and due to her having cerebral palsy it ended up killing her before she was 8... RIP Olivia, a friend of mine's first child...
We should be upset because of extenuating circumstances; a son will celebrate Christmas this year WITHOUT his mother because she died earlier this year... RIP Michelle, my sister's best friend...
We should be upset because we miss our loved ones that have already passed on...
We should be upset because we have friends that are overseas and will not get home in time for the holidays they celebrate because they are busy protecting our country and our freedom...
I have a Christmas tree... I celebrate Yule... I tell friends to have a WONDERFUL Christmas... a HAPPY Hanukkah... and a SPECTACULAR New Year... I wish those that I know NOT to be of the Christian faith a Happy Holiday....
Why are we so adamant on passing around literature that states we are a Christian society when most Christians cannot truly understand the phrase LOVE THEY NEIGHBOR!!! I've read the bible. Where is the provision that we cannot love them if they are not Christian? Where is the clause that states there will be NO tolerance for other religions? People are so insistent that we are a Christian Country and yet they forget that one of the American symbols have engraved "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
No where does this state "Just send me your Christians."
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
This was written by the men that helped found our country and our rights.
You want something to pray for?
Pray for my mother that has Multiple Sclerosis...
Pray for my cousin that needs a helping hand in getting out of some trouble he has gotten into...
Pray for our men and women that are fighting for our rights....
Pray for the children that sleep in fear and cannot protect themselves from being abused to the point of having their legs and ribs broken...
Pray for the women that get mentally and physically abused by their husbands that cannot see they are worth more that what they have...
Pray for the men that are raising their children alone because someone got behind the wheel of a car drunk...
Pray that we find a cure for aids...
Pray for a day that we can vote for a president that we can truly stand behind and sincerely vote for because we believe in what they stand for... instead of voting for the lesser of the 2 evils.
Fix what is wrong in your own home before casting that first stone to someone else's glass house.
...........................................this rant was brought to you with love and understanding and I embrace differences in the world