Is there no shame?

Jan 15, 2003 16:42

Wow, first off, I find out that Pete Townshend of the Who, one of my favorite guitar players of all time, is accused of having child porn on his computer. Just like Gary Glitter. And now i find out that......THE MUMMIES HAVE A WEBSITE! That's right....the fucking MUMMIES, for christ's sake! What is this fucking millenium coming to? I'm not going ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

funx3 January 15 2003, 14:05:26 UTC
The scary thing isn't the Mummies website or even Townshend's pedophilia, but that the Mummies put out a CD! A fuckin' CD?! All my heros are falling. Townshend I can forgive, but the Mummies with a CD? It'll be hard.


cryptstyle January 15 2003, 16:59:01 UTC
petes quote "it was research!"

uh huh


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