okay so idk this week fucken dragged on. Yesterday espicially, I cant say there were any highlights except watching that fucken moron (along with my whole history class), wabble into the school with the ugliest sunglasses thinking she was awesome. Whatever gave everyone a good laugh. At night was pretty awesome. Today is deffinatly a crunkkkkk day ♥ love those. Lots of parties but i doubt ill go to any because im rebelious like that. I've realized i dont like anyone anymore. The only people i trust is amy shannon and alex, alongside aos of course. But i dont consider anyone my real best friend. Im so sick of this stupid little group that everyone has been trying to be since 8th grade. Me and shannon were talking and we think we should form a new group with me amy shannon heather and like kimmy arlen. That would be a good group, haha. Im so sick of the fucken drama, and some people thinking that they know what they are talking about when they have no clue what a real relationship is like, espicially not mine. Or the whole "omg shannon didnt drive me here balablabl" shut the fuck up, does any one every think that shannon doesnt want to drive you. Just cuz she doesnt wanna not cuz its out of the way. Shannon is close with amy get over it. Im so sick of everyone bitching and crying. Im so sick of stupid bitches trying to stir up drama from a year ago, get the fuck over it. If people didnt care so much what i thought of them why do they waste their time trying to prove otherwise? I dont care about any of you, once i graduate i will never turn back and wether you love me or hate me your never gonna be shit in my eyes. You can spend the next 5 years doing whatever you want to do, get everyone to hate me because i really dont give a fuck because about 80% of morris hills is scum, and i have the few friends i need to get me through. I dont want to be known, i dont want everyone to be so fucken interested in everything i do with my life. If your interested in everything i do, go ahead and spend your time trying to find out but i can garentee you 98% of its false. People need to grow up for real. I can honestly say I have not talked smack about anyone for a while. Or at least not stuff that wasnt true or already said to their face. I dont waste my time because i simply dont care enough to. I want to live my life and have fun, i dotn want to worry about who hates me or who's talking shit, or any other petty little thing that kids my age worry about. I've stayed out of drama for a while which is compleltly surprising, but it seems like it wants to pull me in and i refuse to let it to. flksdaflsdjk. One highlight- i have started to drive now and im not as scared. Two highlight- Danielle was the 1st white person that has every complained about racist remarks- i find that funny. That most of the time its the opposite race starting the bullshit and then they complain of racism, even if it has nothing to do with it. WHAT A FUCKEN SURPRISE. Three highlight- its winter break and im going to be drunk. And i think that is just enough highlight to lift me from this venting. good bye.