the wheels on the bus go *CRAZY!*

Jun 03, 2006 16:37

I dyed my hair (atomic)pink yesterday ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

spot_your_dice June 3 2006, 21:08:26 UTC
mega points for having plaid bra :D


splendorbug June 4 2006, 01:15:57 UTC
I give myself double-mega points for the fact that not only is it plaid...
it's pink, blue, and black plaid.

I'm so deeply in love with it. and I refuse to throw it away, even though it's missing an underwire (not that I need it) and coming apart at the seams.


grovesphoto June 3 2006, 21:16:04 UTC
I think I have one of your pink lace arm warmers here...LOL


splendorbug June 4 2006, 01:16:23 UTC
bah. you should come visit me and bring it with you.
I miss you, dammit.

and every time I see your self-portrait, it makes me smile.


grovesphoto June 4 2006, 01:31:30 UTC
Awww, shucks.

One never knows where I might travel to in the comming months ;-)


splendorbug June 13 2006, 20:12:42 UTC
send me pictars and the release form, blast it.
've been waiting a month to see em.


ragewithme June 3 2006, 21:25:00 UTC
pink hair is so much funnn!!!!! errybody looks good in pink!


hyalin June 3 2006, 21:33:39 UTC
Not really.


splendorbug June 4 2006, 01:16:45 UTC
I knoes.

you should get your pink hair back.
you looked even more beautiful with it.


darwinpolice June 3 2006, 21:35:01 UTC
it's a fucking conspiracy.

I think it's possible - hear me out here! - that you're just, ya know... a girl. :)


splendorbug June 4 2006, 01:17:30 UTC
*claps a hand over your mouth*

Warlord Brutus (my uterus) still hasn't come to terms with that fact.
and neither, for that matter, have I.



dubh_ceol June 3 2006, 23:39:11 UTC
Pink? Piiiink? *hides* I'm a-scared of that colour. Seriously traumatic childhood incidents.


splendorbug June 4 2006, 01:18:18 UTC
oh, I know.
it's sexy-pink, though. looks really good on me.
I'll have to find a digital camera that will take a good full-color peektar and send it your way.
the picture, I mean. not the camera.



dubh_ceol June 4 2006, 01:24:36 UTC
Ooh. Meggeh pictars are *always* welcome. *beams*

I miss you. *hugs tight* Hope you're doing okay.


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