[ Somebody is flying around the Golden District today. Somebody also had the brilliant idea to wish for the powers as that of Superman-- permanently. That's right.
America didn't wish for all of Superman's powers; he would like to get a good grasp on a few at a time-- and boy, flight is hard enough as it is.
If anybody were to look up, they would
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why not! the room's seen worse.
the impact caused Alex - and really, many things - to jump, but he landed like a cat back on the bed, already crouched and poised. big eyes scan and pinpoint the source of the problem.
and stare.]
Yes, America smashed through this window and landed on his face with an oof.
He recovers quickly, unaware of the other male's presence and stands to his feet. ]
[ A triumphant pose, then he wobbles a little. threatening to fall. ]
and then, slowly, his posture shifts and he settles on his knees, straight-back and upright, head tilted to a side.
You are?
I already said! I'm the hero, of course!
That's all that really is important!
Besides the fact my name is America.
And I'm really important.
Like the most important ever on the map.
And I'll be responsible for sending us home!
there is no reply oNLY CONSIDERABLE STARING. what to make of this funny person hmm--]
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