the black bean massacre; action

Jul 20, 2011 11:44

[Alex shoved the stupid little bean stuck in his pocket into the dirt of one of Edel’s plants before setting off, just before the sun rose.

he’s been very careful about a single thing and careless about the rest, but he’s finally, finally done it. blood - not his - is soaking the ground near his feet, and the animal is dead and no one or no thing ( Read more... )

lelouch vi britannia, ruca milda, [event] jack & the beanstalk, oc: edel, luke fon fabre, juvia loxar, oc: jack gibson & cerbos, tsunayoshi sawada, rin okumura, makoto konno, oc: alexander darkov, firo prochainezo, prince siegfried, trunks, oc: rory connor, rachel alucard, hiruma youichi, oc: rion lyon, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear, yukio okumura

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Comments 249

GOLDEN DISTRICT. mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:46:49 UTC
[castles! such luxury. Alex likes them, silly as they are. or, he did. but the stink that came from some of the residents...

Fexis knows grander things; it is not impressed. it is a pale, shapeless breeze when it races ahead of its host, licking the remnants of now-gone power and breathing in the magic that lingers.

oh, my. yes. grand, grand! such pretty, pretty houses for the rank and foul.

child! it is upon him again, coiling its body around his shoulders and beaming. this way. go, go this way, i smell them better than you ever will!]


(LOCKED TO TSUNA) mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:47:35 UTC
[Alex takes a broad path that guides him to a crossroad; one way will lead him to a grand estate, the other to one of the splendid castles. he paces in place, eagerly, skin tingling and tickling, eager to please and be pleased.

Fexis scurries down and clutches to the back of his vest, seemingly needlessly, but it smells and it knows and it wants to be a surprise when it happens.]


Re: (LOCKED TO TSUNA) reluctant10th July 21 2011, 00:39:48 UTC
[Tsuna doesn't notice anything amiss when he walks down the path from the Carter Estate. He's too wrapped up in his own thoughts to pay much attention to his surroundings. Too busy brooding perhaps, over lost friends.

Head down, seemingly unaware...he was an easy target]


mongoosegrin July 21 2011, 00:46:04 UTC
[Fexis is fast to giddiness, lapping up the atmosphere and all within it; it doesn't even know where to start!

ah, but, he must take good care; the Darkovs have those pesky rules. it had to be picky.

the foul smell begins to waft into the air as it, the invisible wind, spies the boy of a...strange flavor. no mere boy, no. it could use that. Alex would believe.

it flew back to lead.]


ALPHA DISTRICT. mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:49:44 UTC
[the land changes as Alex sprints, ducking his head fast time and again to try and shake the sweat and blood dripping off his brow. adrenaline and Fexis are there; he doesn’t feel the burn yet. it’s too exciting still, too exciting to question a retreat. we will make it last and last. it will be a fine battle, child. go!

into the streets of a city more alien than anything Alex ever imagined, so geometric and imposing and boring at its quietest. that will be fixed.]


(LOCKED TO TRUNKS) mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:52:46 UTC
[he turns a sharp corner and changes to an easy jog, catching breath amidst his giggles. he’s like a kid who got caught trespassing, only to easily outrun authority. Fexis clings to his shoulder, stretched out down to the crook of his arm. it inhales deeply and grins. the man he'd slain was a strange taste, yes, but not filling. Alex left him to bleed out, never much a mind for cleaning up his messes, and Fexis took its spoils without much ceremony. it nipped at Alex’s ears, gave him the drive, and sent him along.

it smells a warm, touchable body further down. it is blind to the Locals, but the city is so clogged with delicacy, who could care?]


saiyajinsoul July 20 2011, 17:05:14 UTC
[Today's itinerary: train on the beach, head home for a shower, work on the time machine, buy a book or two.

Trunks is walking home from Wonderland, already finished with the first, deep in thought about the last. He's never shopped for a cookbook before, never even bothered with one back home - Mom did all of the cooking anyway, and the stuff he needed to know he learned by practice. Would the bookstore have anything basic enough for a starting baker? How basic would basic baking be, anyway? Maybe he should already get one that's all focused on tiny, fancy-looking cakes or someth-

He stops in the middle of the street, and sniffs the air. What is that smell? He reflexively turns his head down, and pinches his nose shut. It's like a freaking sewer, except Alpha doesn't have faulty drainage, really shouldn't be this bad or -

sniff - getting stronger and - another quick sniff - sewers don't smell like... blood, in appreciable quantity...]


mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 17:14:06 UTC
[Fexis' air lingers even after it caught glimpse and returned to the body. go, go!

Alex hops into view past the last corner, laughing and spinning on his heel until he can balance, mongoose absent and wiping the corner of his eye with his forearm. he sees Trunks and stifles enough to greet, waving.]

Ah, ha-- Hello!


WONDERLAND DISTRICT. mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:55:03 UTC
[Alex has begun to whine, but is dragged along all the same by the familiar affixed to him. Fexis smooths over the hurts and puts pleasure in its place, but the feeling is just as fleeting as it is in the midst of a kill.

it makes Alex run, and he runs like something tugged by something faster than he is, back arching backward and feet stumbling when the street changes to the Wonderland cobblestone.

smell, child. trees. you can stop there, but not yet! more, i smell, and i will have...]


(LOCKED TO FIRO + RION) mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:55:55 UTC
[the Darkov scourge is black and raw and creeping up around Alex’s feet and to his ankles, making his gait wobbly and graceless. Fexis pushes the body against walls to halt him and gloss over the damage to keep any outcries bottled up.

it smells a strangely familiar, immortal smell nearby and twists itself to attention, probing the air in its way for sight of it.]


immamartillo July 21 2011, 16:15:24 UTC
[ The darkness if finally gone and Firo's thankful to have returned to his normal routine. Training with Rion is a welcome distraction from wandering aimlessly and being homesick.

Firo's wrapped up in reviewing what techniques will work best for Rion, and so he's unfortunately unaware of Alex and Fexis in the area. ]


derped July 21 2011, 19:47:22 UTC
[Truth be told, Rion's glad for the distraction too. He's a lot less.. talkative than he was before, and Firo probably knows enough about what happened to get why.

Nothing too out of the ordinary, right?]


METROPOLIS, P1 mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:57:31 UTC
[as he runs, Alex makes muffled gagging sounds, ultimately coming to a stop and crashing to his knees. the mongoose coils around his neck and to his face, breathing into his nose until the clotted blood is torn and the rest comes gushing out for air to return. a tendril of a claw reaches into his mouth and plucks the broken tooth that was rattling as he ran, casting it away.

up, child, up! we are not done. do as i say and nothing will be wrong again!

Alex gives a muffled whimper.]


(LOCKED TO MAKOTO + TRUNKS LATER) mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 15:57:56 UTC
[the baseball diamond has less value to Fexis than it does to Alex, and there was not much to start. the body limps, and Fexis sees while Alex does not, and it shrinks down tiny and coils onto his back unseen to push him along as the fresh body draws near.]


/throws after work meetings out windows tokiokakeru July 21 2011, 04:02:43 UTC
[Wooden practice sword strapped to her back Makoto is looking forward to practicing a bit on the field today. Maybe after some sword training she work on her hitting with the automated pitcher. It would depend how her arms felt.

Stopping her bike by the back fence her nose crinkles a little. Did something smell weird? Looking around she finally spots the form of another kind of shuffling? Limping maybe?

Oh! It was that odd guy from once before. The one who didn't wear any shoes...]

Hey there, are you okay?


mongoosegrin July 21 2011, 12:04:40 UTC
[without Fexis to tow him, Alex loses forward motion, swaying and dropping to the ground in a heap. the creature slithers fast underneath, rather put off by this lack of motivation, but what can it do? it can numb the direst wounds and lie in wait.]


METROPOLIS, P2, OPEN TO FIGHTERS&HEALERS mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 16:00:02 UTC
[Fexis peers through the world with Alex’s eyes, hugging the body from the inside and moving it all freely. it makes his gait fluid and even again, disregarding the blood and the lacerations and all the damage that was racking up from the campaign. even as the body fails, the fat mongoose has strength enough with its overeating to push forward, enough to make a clean escape.

what a place, what a place...

in its frenzy, it miscalculated and found itself the fox amid an army of hounds, and now there was need to flee. because without its host body, it is nothing in this world - or any world but the one it knows.

if it can get to the forest, the trees, then maybe...

at the smell of oncoming bodies, it lets out a shriek through Alex’s mouth. awful, awful, go away...!]


hellcommander July 24 2011, 05:26:16 UTC
Whatever was going on, Hiruma was sick of it. People dying, some talks of a massacre... what the hell, wasn't this place supposed to be violence free?! Hiruma had watched, carefully, from a distance, and now, when this... whatever it was was weak? That was the time to strike. He didn't particularly care, one way or another... but even the morally questionable quarterback knew that something had to be done.

He had taken up a position on top of a small building with a rifle on a tripod with a scope attached. It wasn't the best sniper rifle, but it would do in a pinch. His new demonic tail, wished up courtesy of some latent jealousy of Rin, lashes back and forth as he waits for the blood-stained man to come into his field of view.

"Come on, you bastard. Kekeke. See how much you like a mouthful of lead...!"


mongoosegrin July 24 2011, 14:40:11 UTC
[not enough cover.

Fexis veers the body toward the scent of trees, thicker and closer as he goes, now having to multitask: keep Alex in motion, keep the mind closed, keep the pain down, keep those souls in check, keep...

well, keeping a sharper eye around itself is not easy; guns were not something it could smell from any distance. advantage to the shooters: Fexis steered that path with no regard for the scopes and eyes higher in the sky.]


hellcommander July 24 2011, 22:35:46 UTC
And that path was right in Hiruma's sights.


BLAM. The shot rang out, echoing off the walls of buildings. The scope had been aimed right at the man's knee, hoping to shatter it. A non-fatal wound. Hiruma was a creepy boy, but he couldn't bring himself to be a murderer. He would stop this guy without killing him.

But, of course, even with his skill in putting together weaponry, the rifle wasn't completely balanced. The bullet lost momentum and fell from it's trajectory a bit, on track now more for Alex's shin. But he wouldn't know until he hit. Despite the boy's expertise with firearms, he has no battlefield experience; he doesn't duck down to avoid being seen if his "prey" follows the path of the bullet.


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