the black bean massacre; action

Jul 20, 2011 11:44

[Alex shoved the stupid little bean stuck in his pocket into the dirt of one of Edel’s plants before setting off, just before the sun rose.

he’s been very careful about a single thing and careless about the rest, but he’s finally, finally done it. blood - not his - is soaking the ground near his feet, and the animal is dead and no one or no thing ( Read more... )

lelouch vi britannia, ruca milda, [event] jack & the beanstalk, oc: edel, luke fon fabre, juvia loxar, oc: jack gibson & cerbos, tsunayoshi sawada, rin okumura, makoto konno, oc: alexander darkov, firo prochainezo, prince siegfried, trunks, oc: rory connor, rachel alucard, hiruma youichi, oc: rion lyon, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear, yukio okumura

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METROPOLIS, P2, OPEN TO FIGHTERS&HEALERS mongoosegrin July 20 2011, 16:00:02 UTC
[Fexis peers through the world with Alex’s eyes, hugging the body from the inside and moving it all freely. it makes his gait fluid and even again, disregarding the blood and the lacerations and all the damage that was racking up from the campaign. even as the body fails, the fat mongoose has strength enough with its overeating to push forward, enough to make a clean escape.

what a place, what a place...

in its frenzy, it miscalculated and found itself the fox amid an army of hounds, and now there was need to flee. because without its host body, it is nothing in this world - or any world but the one it knows.

if it can get to the forest, the trees, then maybe...

at the smell of oncoming bodies, it lets out a shriek through Alex’s mouth. awful, awful, go away...!]


hellcommander July 24 2011, 05:26:16 UTC
Whatever was going on, Hiruma was sick of it. People dying, some talks of a massacre... what the hell, wasn't this place supposed to be violence free?! Hiruma had watched, carefully, from a distance, and now, when this... whatever it was was weak? That was the time to strike. He didn't particularly care, one way or another... but even the morally questionable quarterback knew that something had to be done.

He had taken up a position on top of a small building with a rifle on a tripod with a scope attached. It wasn't the best sniper rifle, but it would do in a pinch. His new demonic tail, wished up courtesy of some latent jealousy of Rin, lashes back and forth as he waits for the blood-stained man to come into his field of view.

"Come on, you bastard. Kekeke. See how much you like a mouthful of lead...!"


mongoosegrin July 24 2011, 14:40:11 UTC
[not enough cover.

Fexis veers the body toward the scent of trees, thicker and closer as he goes, now having to multitask: keep Alex in motion, keep the mind closed, keep the pain down, keep those souls in check, keep...

well, keeping a sharper eye around itself is not easy; guns were not something it could smell from any distance. advantage to the shooters: Fexis steered that path with no regard for the scopes and eyes higher in the sky.]


hellcommander July 24 2011, 22:35:46 UTC
And that path was right in Hiruma's sights.


BLAM. The shot rang out, echoing off the walls of buildings. The scope had been aimed right at the man's knee, hoping to shatter it. A non-fatal wound. Hiruma was a creepy boy, but he couldn't bring himself to be a murderer. He would stop this guy without killing him.

But, of course, even with his skill in putting together weaponry, the rifle wasn't completely balanced. The bullet lost momentum and fell from it's trajectory a bit, on track now more for Alex's shin. But he wouldn't know until he hit. Despite the boy's expertise with firearms, he has no battlefield experience; he doesn't duck down to avoid being seen if his "prey" follows the path of the bullet.


mongoosegrin July 25 2011, 01:37:32 UTC
[the bullet shaves fabric and a bit of skin at the calf, catching the body in mid-step and forcing a heavy footfall that is unpleasant for all occupants. when Alex's mouth opens, though, it's the mongoose shrill of protest, tapering off as suddenly as it rang out.

his head turns slowly, in time with the gradual straightening of the rest of the body, neck craning toward the trajectory of the shot. just the whites of his eyes are there, laced with mongoose red as they peer up.

and see.

they are out of sight once they are so close to the base of the building, hidden by one of those canopy things in front of the doors.]


hellcommander July 25 2011, 01:53:57 UTC

He may have been pretty far away, but that look? Was intensely creepy. Intensely. Hiruma ducks down and hugs one of his hand guns to his chest, making sure it was loaded, cocked and that the safety was good and off.

He peeps over the edge of the building. He can't see him. Can't hear him. Crap. Where did he go?


mongoosegrin July 25 2011, 01:57:59 UTC
[there's a stretch of silence, and then a strangled groan, and then biting silence again.




THOK. ad infinitum.

and Alex is there, and his bandages are sopping wet and red at the elbows and the wrists, and dull, wet, sharp things stuck out of those spots are what he's using to climb up the face of the building.

because stairs are for squares and fexis is not smart about interior metropolis design.



hellcommander July 25 2011, 02:15:43 UTC
Hiruma raises a brow at the thing... scaling the building. With bone spurs.

Well that was vile. Hiruma sneers, trying to keep his cool (really, he never expected to have to do anything like this... ever) and aims his handgun at Alex's shoulder.

"You don't want to play this game, fuckin' weasel." He sounds cool and collected, but his heart is racing a million miles an hour, trying to flutter out of his chest like a bird escaping a cage, and that damn tail he'd wished for was still.

Blam! Blam blam!


mongoosegrin July 26 2011, 00:19:25 UTC
[one bullet shaves a shoulder, halting upward motion; another lodges into one useless hand, spattering a small share of blood freely against the concrete and Alex's cheek.

despite it all, Fexis leads the body to set feet on the sill of a window and hold still. when all is secured, Alex's head lifts, jaw dropping and expelling the mongoose. it shoots up and up, mouth open to catch the bullets, snapping to rend the gun and, if it's lucky, the hands wielding it. it's a very fast act; he needs to get back down to Alex before the body falls.]


hellcommander July 26 2011, 03:36:02 UTC
Holy fucking shit. Except that wasn't just thought. It was something he said aloud. Even though he didn't mean to, it came out of his mouth. Because that? That was fucking horrifying.

Hiruma only manages to fire off one more bullet before he drops the gun. The handgun is sheared in twain and his fingers almost taken with it; the bleed from the knuckles and the quarterback takes his hand to his chest, showing teeth and lashing that tail.

"Damn weasel! Get the fuck away!"


mongoosegrin July 26 2011, 04:17:29 UTC
[said weasel only shrills a laugh, sneering before snapping back down to the body.

the THOK, THOK, THOK begins anew, energized by blood, speedier!]


reluctant10th July 26 2011, 08:13:38 UTC
"I wont let you" is the sharp angry snarl as a figure drops down in front of Hiruma, orange flames leaping in front him, forming a shield. The flame on Tsuna's forehead burns like a bonfire. It's been a very long time since Tsuna has been this furious and his own wounds(patched up messily and still bleeding) be damned, he was not going to let another one of his friends die, especially not right in front of his eyes.

It had taken awhile for Tsuna to gather his bearings and pull himself together. He couldn't let himself mourn over Ruca. Not yet. Not when there was someone still rampaging in the city and any one of his other friends could be next. It was very lucky he had noticed the commotion up here in time.

"Hiruma-san," Tsuna finally speaks again, refusing to take his eyes off his opponent. The calm that usually touched his voice in this state was gone, quiet and furious. "Leave, quickly. You can't fight him."


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Is it okay to put this here? I’ll delete it if it’s not okay. hellcommander July 26 2011, 19:55:52 UTC
[[I am having trouble posting my tag so this is a placeholder]]


posting Hiruma tag for Toast since it's not working for her reluctant10th July 27 2011, 01:51:15 UTC
Hiruma was scrambling back to his black bag of guns and ammunition, still holding his hand to his chest to protect it from further harm. He needed something bigger. Something with more oomph. The rocket launcher? ... Maybe over kill.

But maybe that's what he needed.

Dammit, he could hear that thing climbing faster now!

Then, there's the sound of crackling and the warmth of flame and Hiruma turns around. And he's utterly shocked by what he sees.

"Ts... Tsuna?! What the hell are y--"

But his "angry" tirade is cut off by Tsuna's eerily quiet tone. He'd heard that tone before. Only when people were at their angriest, in the most dire of straights did they use that tone. Hiruma narrows his eyes. He wants to protest, but he knows the kid is right. That weasel-thing took his bullets like they were snowballs. Nothing. He was outmatched and outclassed. This wasn't football. He didn't want to actually die ( ... )


mongoosegrin July 27 2011, 03:42:33 UTC
[the body vaults off the last sill and lands hard; the scourge is manageable, but it doesn't change the detrimental facts: that landing is hard and awkward, and Alex drops to his knees, stopped short of falling by the unkind graces of Fexis.

trees, could smell them. so close. but this was a new nuisance - no, an old one. should have killed him. smells stronger, riper. Fexis chuckles with Alex's voice, strangled and wet in his throat. he spits red before rising to his feet, head bobbing as the rest of him shifts to stance.]


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