4th Swan's Flight // Action

Sep 07, 2011 20:43

The Prince prowls the streets, a soft smile gracing his lips. Though, if one was to stop and truly take him in, the slight twist of his features might be taken in a more sinister light. Or perhaps in the lack of any light, with the absence of the pale glow that often seems to shine around his features replaced by a shadowy tinge. His lithe steps ( Read more... )

hungary, black★gold saw, prince siegfried, ahiru, asahi yuki, taiwan, duke, matrim cauthon

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Comments 317

[Action] mei_blossom September 8 2011, 02:07:12 UTC
[Taiwan is just walking along the street in Splendor by the fountain, when she catches sight of someone familiar in the distance. But it was getting late, and...] Prince Siegfried-! [She raises her hand to wave at him]


[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 02:14:06 UTC
[He flinches at that name, it isn't his anymore, he's certain... Though he whirls sharply, intending to correct the caller, he pauses on recognizing her. The smile he returns hers with is so thin as to almost be a smirk, but he greets her smoothly.]

Miss Taiwan. How nice to see you this evening. Tell me, have you been well?


[Action] mei_blossom September 8 2011, 02:27:09 UTC
[Well. That was a strange reaction. Taiwan could be more than a little bit oblivious at times, but even so...] I-i've been fine, but... [tilts her head] You don't...are you all right, Prince Siegfried?


[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 02:38:01 UTC
Of course. I am... [He seems to consider the matter, chuckling quietly.] Quite perfect, I believe.

[His eyes crinkle pleasantly, perhaps with kindness.] Did I worry you?


[Action] cygnet_not September 8 2011, 03:23:48 UTC
[[Ahiru is wandering through the Wonderland district rather aimlessly, not quite having noticed that she's forgotten where she was going. She's got a shopping list in hand, and she's scrutinizing it as she walks, certain there's something she forgot to write down.

Not looking where she's going, she is very near to walking right into Mytho, head-on.]]


[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 03:39:31 UTC
[Very nearly. It is the Prince's sharp grace that saves them as he springs aside, his eyes narrowing. He does remember this girl, oh, yes; and what he has been told about who she was. His voice is dangerously kind.]

You really should be more careful, Ahiru.


[Action] cygnet_not September 8 2011, 03:54:23 UTC

[[The near-miss makes her flail and stumble, and ultimately drop the paper in her hand.

She starts to laugh, sheepish.]]

Ahah, sorry, M--

[[And then she notices. Something feels... off, in a very familiar way.]]



[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 04:06:31 UTC
Ah, that name...

[His smile flashes wider for an instant, and he straightens to stand over her.]

I am not truly Mytho anymore, you know. Do you cling to that name because you're scared of who I really am?

[And he does not mean Siegfried, of course. That prince's attentions are... elsewhere, and the true prince intends for it to stay that way.]

No... You couldn't fear me. Not the prince you once dreamed of as yours. Come now. Surely it must be something else that troubles you.


[action; golden district] pimpsaw September 8 2011, 03:36:00 UTC
[Shooter is gone. She is actually gone. Saw feels nothing torwards this, simply because she cannot. Instead, she sits against a tree, sword in her lap, and traces the many scratches and dents on the weapon with one skeletal claw. Just something to keep her mind distracted from her perpetual boredom.]

[Saw glances up without raising her head as Siegfried nears.]


[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 03:44:02 UTC
[He catches her eye idly out of the corner of his own, and subtly pivots just enough to alter his course, almost appearing ghostly as he lightly drifts over to her.]

Good evening. Were you... waiting for something, perhaps?


[Action] pimpsaw September 8 2011, 03:49:33 UTC
It depends on what that 'something' is.


[Action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 03:53:10 UTC
I see... Perhaps I could help you find this "something."

[He steps closer, tilting his head at the slightest of apparently thoughtful angles.]


[action] pureheartedperv September 8 2011, 04:55:26 UTC
[It's a bright afternoon and Hungary is wandering the streets of the city almost aimlessly; she'd gone out exploring her surroundings yet again. She's near a sandwich shop when she spots him. Her eyes lock with his, and she feels rather unsettled almost immediately. Something is clearly wrong with this boy, whoever he is, though of course Hungary has no idea what. Standing still, she decides to observe whatever he's up to. Her instinct tells her that he's dangerous, and she doesn't want someone that couldn't handle him potentially getting hurt if her assumptions are correct.]


[action] swordofswans September 8 2011, 22:58:16 UTC
[She'll watch him come closer, then, watch him stride smoothly over to meet her as soon as her gaze strikes his own. He doesn't feel the particular need to say much of anything, but he does so nonetheless, very simply.]

Good afternoon. Do you need something from me?

[It is a strange way to phrase that question, of course, but none of his actions have been directly threatening. Only that same small wrongness that she picked up on before, and he doesn't imagine she'll care about that for much longer.]


[action] pureheartedperv September 10 2011, 13:45:55 UTC
[She blinks, surprised at his approach, and takes a guarded stance. She doesn't trust him.]

No, my apologies if it seemed like I did.

[She still fully intends to tail him once he ends this conversation.]


[action] swordofswans September 10 2011, 19:06:17 UTC
[He arches an eyebrow above a knowing smirk, but inclines his head in calm enough acknowledgement.]

If you are certain. Of course, if you did wish for anything from me, I would be delighted to give it to you. Are you sure there is nothing?


[Action] because we both know this needed to happen timetotossdice September 11 2011, 04:04:46 UTC
[And I think you ended our last thread just fine <3 and they are somewhere, not exactly sure where >>; fff I don't like this

Mat stirs from inside of the alleyway nearby Siegfried. He blinks as Siegfried walks by and gets up before calling out:] Siegfried?


[Action] Yes, it is essential 8D /smiles like that forever swordofswans September 11 2011, 04:25:39 UTC
[Oh, okay, good \o/ And... yeah, Siegfried/Raven Prince/whoever he is at the moment is just kind of around... So this is fine~]

[He stops, turning with deliberate slowness to face Mat. Despite that persistent smile, there is nothing remotely friendly about him as he takes in the other prince and their surroundings haughtily, even coldly.]

Hmm? What do you want?


[Action] yeeeep 8D timetotossdice September 11 2011, 04:35:00 UTC

Mat makes an almost unnoticeable double take when Siegfried speaks and looks at him like that.]

Nothing really. [He shrugs, eyeing Siegfried a bit warily.]

Blood and bloody ashes, are you feeling okay?


[Action] swordofswans September 11 2011, 04:42:24 UTC
I am fine...

[Yes, he feels better than he has in a long time. Once again, he can stand as proudly as is his right, and be sure of that right. Still, however he feels, there is still that ache burning in his heart, reminding him of what Mat interrupting.]

But I do have... ah... business to attend to. Do not interfere.


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