Title: Cotton Tails
Characters: Dean and Sam, Rowena mentioned
Rating: R-ish?
Word Count: 100
Summary: When are they going to learn that working with Rowena always comes at a price?
Prompt: DEW Challenge: Easter special
Fucking Rowena.
“Dean, we need to get out of here!” said in a hushed angry whisper.
“Uh, yuh think!?”
Sam tugging gently at the panties that weren’t quite covering his ass.
The red head was supposed to have zapped them back to Baby.
Instead she’d sent them to a gay bar, in full Playboy Bunny get-ups.
Complete with cotton tails, white hooker heels, black corsets, and white panties which were not doing such a stellar job at concealing their dicks.
Dean had ducked behind Sam. But that hadn’t stopped the wolf whistles.
“What the hell are we supposed to do?”