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mandraco Supernatural is "Going to the Dogs" (or to the cats, opossums, squirrels, were-chickens, goldfish, etc…)
I’m a supporter of animal-related causes and give to worthy organizations throughout the year whenever I can. And since I’m doing it anyway, thought we may as well have some fun with it while we wait for the new season to start and for the artists of our com to work their magic with their
Halloween Reverse Micro Bang pieces.
Here goes: If you guys post 15 animal-related things* by October 3rd (Season 8 Premiere Day), I will let the community vote on which animal org I send my next $100 donation to, and I will also do it in the name of the comm.
*Think SPN & ANIMALS!!! Fic/Art/Fanvids/Recs... Virtually anything that places our beloved characters in the company of - or even turned into - a critter of some sort. That critter can even be a fictional one. Unicorns anyone?
As long as it fits into the spirit of the com it’s fair game. Think: sweet, schmoopy, funny, or flat out cracktastic.
Maybe you just want to sit back and enjoy while someone else writes/draws/manips something for you? Leave a prompt in the comments, it just might get filled. I’m going to leave a few ideas of my own to help get your creative juices flowing and purge my brain of some weirdness. Just know that your postings DO NOT have to be the result of a prompt fill. Prompts are just added inspirational goodness. Feel free to use your own original ideas.
Please use the tag ‘SPN goes to the dogs' on all related entries and HAVE FUN! J