finally [SPN fanart, Sam/Castiel, Ezekiel/Castiel, NSFW!]

Oct 24, 2013 09:29

Title: finally
Artist: badbastion
Pairing: Sam/Castiel, Ezekiel/Castiel alt version text link
Spoilers: none/S9 spoilers in text link
Rating: NC-17. NSFW at all!
Warnings/Content: anal, possible dub-con due to possession
Summary: I've been a big fan of Sastiel for a long time now, and I think I've been drawing them for over a year? But it was hard for me to get them naked and screwing, lol, because it seemed to me that they'd really take it slow. So, I took it slow, haha. A year or so after i drew their first kiss, here they are, naked and screwing.

link to my journal :)

pairing: castiel/sam, pairing: castiel/others, genre: slash, type: fanart

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