Title: Ten Months
abeautifullie3Movie Prompt: Nine Months
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17k
Summary: I may have a thing for Jared knocking up Jensen.
That's it.
That's the summary.
Ohalrightfine… I suck at summaries, but here…
Jensen gave up dreams of having children for overgrown man-child, Jared - Jared dead set on NOT having kids.
(Heh. Told ya I sucked!)
Notes: This fic is 3 days late, less than half the word count I intended it to be, a solid 3 drafts short of my preferred writing/editing process, and down to the fucking wire on SPN_Cinema's gracious Amnesty Day for posting late.
I reallllllllly hope some of you enjoy it!
(Full Disclaimer and Notes At My LJ or AO3.)
Warnings and/or Enticements: Mpreg; Dirty Talk; Sex During Pregnancy; Angst; Schmoop; Angsty Schmoop; Mentions of Abortion (no abortion); Kinda-Sorta Graphic Birth; Butchered Attempt At A Russian Dialect; Probably errors…so many errors
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