How to Claim!

Feb 25, 2012 13:46

(Hopefully nobody panicked and thought claiming was early.)

Claiming is in a few short hours (just over three, actually!), and while those of you who have done the challenge before might know how it goes, newbies may not. SO, here we go.

A post will be going up today at 4 PM EST. Be quick and make your claims in case somebody has the same film in mind as you do!

Each claim must be made using the following format:

Contact email:
Are you claiming fic, art or audio?

First Film Choice:
IMDb Link:
Second Film Choice:
IMDb Link:
Third Film Choice:
IMDb Link:

(For easy copy and pasting:)
Contact email:
Are you claiming fic, art or audio?

First Film Choice:
IMDb Link:
Second Film Choice:
IMDb Link:
Third Film Choice:
IMDb Link:

Please note that each claim must be made in a new comment (for clarification, each claim refers to the group of three films; you do not need to make a new comment for each new film)! If you're claiming a film for a friend as well as yourself, they must go in separate comments. (Also remember that if claiming for a friend, their name goes in the "username" field, not yours!) If you make multiple claims in one comment, only the first will be counted - we want to keep this as fair as possible for everybody! Please remember to include the IMDb links, as it makes our job as mods much easier.

Also note that if you are working with an author/artist/podficcer/fanmixer, you may use one form for both of you - just make sure both usernames, contact emails and roles are listed. Also note that for first round claims you may only choose to do a fic OR art OR audio for one film. Second round claims, where you can claim a second film if you wish, will open February 29th at 4 PM EST.

Example claim:
Username: cinema_mod
Contact email: spncinema.mod [at]
Are you claiming fic, art or audio? fic

First Film Choice: The Ref
IMDb Link:
Second Film Choice: Black Christmas
IMDb Link:
Third Film Choice: A Single Man
IMDb Link:

Once you've posted, the mod will come by and confirm your film choice (with precedence going to the first available film you've listed, so make sure you list your film choices in the order you'd most like to do them in). If by some stroke of misfortune all three of your film choices have already been claimed, the mod will let you know and then you can make a new claim with three new films. Remember that once the mod gives you your film, you may not change your mind and ask for a different one!

As films are claimed, the mods will make a list at the top of the post of the claimed films/franchises. Please look at the comments if you come in a little late though, as the post may not be completely up-to-date depending on the time.

Note for podficcers and fanmixers: If you are making a fanwork based on an already written and posted fic, you don't need to state so here. We're running on the honor system that you've already gotten permission to record it from the author.

And that's basically all, folks! If you have any questions directly related to claiming you can ask about it here or at the FAQs page. Otherwise, we'll see you in a little while for claiming!

.mod post

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