SPN Gabriel Kink meme: Round Three

Nov 02, 2011 17:47

Because we haven't had one in a while, welcome to round three of the Gabriel Kink Meme. The rules remain the same.

Anon commenting is on.

For those that have never taken part in a kink meme before the concept is simple - anons post prompts, anons answer. If you later want to post your response fic or art on your journal, have at it. :)


# Be respectful. No flaming, trolling, or bashing of any kind. This is not the place to tell someone their Sam is OOC or criticize their kink.

# Do not spread hate: Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia will not be tolerated.

# No scripts, or spamming.

# Only one prompt per comment. Prompts must include a pairing and a kink/scenario.

# Fic and art should be posted as a comment to the prompt. Multiple responses encouraged.

# Crossovers permitted, so long as at least as Gabriel is involved.

# No underage requests.

# RPF is allowed but bashing the significant others of any person will not be tolerated.

Warning: The contents of the kink meme might contain disturbing or triggering imagery and/or prompts, please read at your own risk. The meme is NWS and will contain text and pictures that are NWS, read at your own risk.

Please PM any questions to kijikun

kink meme

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