This is where you can rec art, vids, picspams, icons, wallpapers, headers, banners, graphics, etc, as long as said art or vid is either hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared.
All art and vids are tagged in Delicious
HERE for easy searching.
Have fun!
Title: Title of art or vidArtist: Artist or vidders name here or
Summary: If one applies
Genre: J2, Wincest, Gen etc.
Rating: If one applies
Type: Only use if rec'ing art. EX: icons, wallpaper etc.
Why am I rec'ing this?
Anything else we should know?
Please make sure that links are accessible to all members. If we find a link that takes us to a flocked journal we're going to have to delete it and we really don't want to do that.
Any problems? Please refer to the FAQ's list and Posting Guidelines to help you