Art Submission Guidelines 2022

Aug 06, 2022 13:59

Hello RB Artists of 2022!

As sign-ups are rolling in again, it's time for some guidelines for those of you who are ready to submit their artworks. No rush, you still have plenty of time to continue creating until September, but just so you know: you don't have to wait until the last minute to hand in your submission(s).

  • As usual it looks like there will be more authors than artists signed up; this does not mean you should feel pressured into handing in more than one artpiece if you don't have time or inspiration! (Feel free to go wild if you can though!)
  • Create art that YOU like to play with; if you enjoy the process, you will have more fun than aiming for someone else's taste:)
  • However, do bear in mind that fandom has become divided over lots of platforms and it's been getting harder to find authors who are still familiar with rare pairs.
  • BUT! As always we will do our best to reach out to all corners of fandom to lure all available authors to check out the art Spread the word! (Promobanners)
  • Over the years the SPN_Reversebang has connected artists and authors from all sides of fandom and we continue to be a community for everyone.
  • Participants are welcome to work with their authors to create additional art once their pieces have been claimed.

  • Here's how you can send in your artworks; I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    The 2022 guidelines for submitting your art for claims:
    • Art pieces should be completed drafts. You may still make changes, but the art should be complete enough that a writer could work from it even if no changes are made.
    • They are due by 11:59 PM in the world's westernmost time zone (GMT -11) on Sunday, September 18th. In short: as long as it is September 18th somewhere in the world, you're good. You may send in your art before this date, whenever you are ready.

      Early Bird Exception: Artists who wish to submit up to two (2) prompts must complete and submit one prompt by 11:59 PM in the world's westernmost time zone (GMT -11) on Sunday, September 11th. Otherwise, only one prompt will be accepted per artist.
    • Submissions should be sent to with the subject: Art Submission. Attach the file to the email and include the information detailed below.
    • You may submit up to two (2) pieces (one by the Early Bird deadline, the second one by the final deadline), if you are doing a comic style piece with panels, it should be submitted in a single image file, which will then count as one piece.
    • There is no maximum size for art, though each art prompt must be at least 400 by 600 pixels. If it is a video, it must be at least 30 seconds in length.
    • There is no need to submit a thumbnail version.
    • You art will be shared anonymously for claims, so no signatures which would reveal your identity are allowed. You can put a 'draft' watermark across the image if you prefer.
    • Images can be sent in the following formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
    • Vids can be sent in the following formats: AVI, MOV, MPG, and WMV.
    • Please do not publicly upload your art anywhere; artwork should remain anonymous until after claim reveals. If -and only if- you have a vid with a file size too large to e-mail, you may upload to an anonymous file sharing site like mediafire, vimeo, etc. and send us the link.
    • Please make sure the file name is your sign-up username (from LJ, or whichever SM platform name you registered with) and whether it's RPF, SPN or either. For example: username_either.jpg or username_spn.avi. If you are submitting multiple pieces, your Early Bird prompt should also have the word “Early” in the file name, and the subsequent file (if you submit a second piece) should have a unique name. For example: early_username_spn.jpg and username_rpf.jpg. This will keep things organized and ensure there are no duplicate file names.
    • Lastly, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE include --in every correspondence--your registered name and art claim number (once applicable). There are many of you but only one of me! Don't make me struggle to figure out who you are. You will get a confirmation mail once your art is registered.

    When submitting your artwork you must include the following information in the body of your e-mail.
    (Consider that this is the text that will be next to your art in the anonymous preview post!)
    Livejournal (or primary site) Name:
    Fandom: (Indicate here if your art is RPF, SPN or Either)
    Title of prompt:
    Rating of Art:
    Highest Rating Fic Can Be:
    Pairing or Gen: (Indicate here if you want gen, have pairing preferences or don't care either way)
    Characters: (Please tell us WHO is in your art and who you would like to be included or excluded from the accompanying story)
    Warnings: (Please indicate whether the art contains Graphic Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con or Underage content, in addition to any other warnings you think are necessary. Please note: genres are not considered warnings so include them in the description field if they are worthy of note.)
    Short description of art: (What is visible/happening in the artwork? This should not be a detailed story request, but enticements may be included here)
    Do Not Wants: (Put squicks and absolute deal-breakers here. Don't go overboard.)
    Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: (YES or NO)

    Please copy and paste the above text into your email to make sure you don't forget anything.


    Have fun creating your awesome artworks and enjoy playing with your favorites:) If you have any questions, comment here or send an email to

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    challenge: 2022, .mod post: 2022, .mod post: submissions

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