Give You What You Want

Nov 21, 2022 23:41

Art Title: Tentacles
Prompt Number: S2008
Artist: alexiescherryslurpy

Fic Title: Give You What You Want

Author: Theydmi
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean/Sam/Tentacles
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 4,665
Warnings: Rape/non-con
Summary: The list of Dean's sins is ever growing - the strigha wasn't the first and this thing in an impossible underground cave hopefully isn't the last.

Art Link(s): AO3 | tumblr
Fic Link(s): AO3

medium: drawing, challenge: 2022, word count: 4000 - 6000, genre: spn, rating: nc17, pairing: sam/dean

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