That grand time of year is upon us, and I get to be part of modding it this year! (YESSSS!)
So, since we’re getting a late start, let’s keep this short and sweet. This is an anonymous gen fiction exchange.
The idea? Write stories so that we’ll all have plenty of SPN to get us through this desert known as hellatus.
You will each fill out a
form describing what you can write for a recipient and what you would like to receive from your author, we’ll match you up and send out your assignments as soon as possible, then you’ll get to writing! You’ll have one month to write your story, which must be at least 1,000 words long. This is an anonymous exchange, so the mods will post your stories for you--one for each weekday until all stories have been posted.
At the end, we will reveal the authors of each story. Here are the dates:
Sign-ups: May 23-June 6
Assignments sent out: June 15 or earlier
Stories due: July 15. You will be granted an automatic, one-week grace period, but all fics must be received by July 22, unless you have requested an extension.
Deadline for withdrawal and requests for extensions: July 15
We will begin posting stories as soon as we have enough to post one each weekday throughout the summer, so if you get done early, awesome! Send it on in, and chances are you’ll get an early post date.
No changes can be made to your fic after final submission, so make sure it is edited/betaed and ready to post when you submit it.
If you would like more detailed information, please check out the
userinfo page and/or the
Submission guidelines and other timely information will be posted as they become necessary, but we will be adhering pretty closely to how this exchange proceeded in previous years, so if you want to learn more about it right now, have a look at previous years’ posts. (The ‘rules’ and ‘faq’ tags are especially helpful.)
Ready to sign up? Fill out the form found
here. You can also pimp this exchange to your buddies! Pimpage banner available
here ...
Next step: wait for your assignment, to be sent out June 15 or earlier (as soon as we can match all submissions to authors). Once you receive your assignment, e-mail the mods at supernaturalsummergen at gmail dot com to confirm you’ve received it, then get to writing! You’ll have one month to finish your story.
Not sure about that kind of commitment? Then you can be one of our pinch hitters! Join this community,
spn_genpinchhit, which will post pinch-hit requests as they become available.
Finally: sit back and read the stories as they’re posted, enjoy, comment, and generally bask in the wonder that is summergen!
Fandom, we are go for liftoff. Repeat, Summergen is a go for 2014 ....