My armor is like tenfold shields

Oct 19, 2014 18:03

World savers, fire breathers, monsters. Collectors of shiny things (or rocks). Soulmates, hunters, fierce protectors; allies, foes or prey. Welcome to the world of dragons! Please comment with your own recs if you have any, there's never enough dragon!fic.

Endless Skies by lexicale (Sam/Dean, R, 80,000 words)
Summary: "Sam has never fit in amongst his people -- he's never been the perfect hunter and he doesn't really want to be involved in the war against the demons. And even if he did, he knows he can never measure up to his older brother, Dean: the perfect Celt, the perfect demon hunter, and the perfect son. While still struggling to find his place amongst his people, and struggling with what he feels for his brother, Sam comes across a downed demon. Their unlikely friendship begins to change everything for him and his family."
Why I rec: The author declares it a crossover between SPN and 'How to Train Your Dragon' and the first few paragraphs sound it, too. But then they take it to such an original place that it feels like its very own thing. Includes powerful imagery and brothers in love that make their own fate. It's a gem, I'm telling you.

do you think what i'm asking is too much by candle_beck (Sam/Dean, PG-13, 9200 words)
Summary: "Little story about dragons."
Why I rec: This is everything you can wish for in a Sam and Dean hunt dragons fic. I don't think I have to say it because it is candle_beck, but oh, the prose! And the sex! And everything inbetween, too. It's second person POV but don't let that throw you off. You'll get brothers who live for each other more than anything and badass hunters (well, kinda) in return.

A Fire Ever Burning by bewaretheides15 (Sam/Dean, NC-17, 16,600 words)
Summary: "Sam and Dean have always been oddities among the dragonriders; the youngest man to Impress a Bronze dragon in a hundred years and a boy who turned his back on the riders to become a dragon healer instead. But when fate steps in and chooses a far different path for Sam, the brothers and all the Weyrs of Pern will have to come to terms with much greater changes in their traditions. "
Why I rec: What good would a rec list of dragon!fic be that lacks a Pern crossover? None at all! Apart from that, this is a beautifully written tale and it has human/dragon mating haze porn.

Cuckoo’s Egg by septembers_coda (Sam&Violet(OC)&Castiel, PG-13, 6,500 words)
Summary: "Sam wakes in a very strange place where reality is unraveling, and meets a being who gives him something he never knew he desperately needed. He questions whether his current bizarre existence might be the real one-if perhaps his previous life with Dean was the dream."
Why I rec: This is gen so don't get any wrong ideas about what Sam needed so desperately! I won't say anything else, though, because I don't want to spoil you. You'll just have to read it for yourself. Like, now.

I’d Better Get A Rolex For This by morrezela (Sam/Dean, NC-17, 4,075 words)
Summary: "The world has been saved, but Dean has turned into a dragon. He is nesting, and he is driving his brother crazy."
Why I rec: If there's one entity on dragon!fic in this fandom, it might be morrezela. This is one of her best, bursting with cracky humor and, well, dragon stuff. Before I wax all lyrical about it, I'd rather leave you a quote from the fic.

“I’m a monster! We hunt and kill monsters.”

“Yeah, I got that family motto,” Sam told him. “You being all… emotional and collecting random stuff isn’t exactly monster material.”

“I HAVE A DRAGON DICK!” Dean cried into his pile of shiny coins.

Bonus: It comes with a timestamp, I’d Better Get Pie for This, in which "Sam is pregnant with his dragon baby spawn and has the fat pregnant person blues".

Slipping Your Skin by leonidaslion on AO3 (Sam/Dean, PG-13, 2777 words)
Summary: To win the war, Dean Winchester accepted that he'd have to make some sacrifices. He just didn't ever think one of them might be his humanity.
Why I rec: Last but not least, have some adorable brotherly interaction and a great AU take on how the angels could have taken advantage of the Winchesters if dragons were real. Which they totally are. Shh. Just read candle_beck's fic again.

[The subject line is from Tolkiens 'The Hobbit', this is the full version: "My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!" - ah, dragons. Gotta love 'em.]

creature, dragons, wincest

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