Sorry, Charlie...

May 05, 2013 23:41

As they often do, today's recs from my end focus on one of the "less well-known" (read: non-Winchester) SPN characters. I had a huge dilemma, and couldn't decide which direction to go--Kevin or Charlie. So, I pretty anti-climatically flipped a coin, and Charlie it is! I know she was featured in a post about a year ago, but I think this current season has certainly warranted a little more exposure for her. One of the things I absolutely love about fandom is how, even after so few appearances, authors can breathe so much life into a character that we're still getting to know. Here are a few of my favorites, but more are being written every day--make sure to leave feedback for these fabulous writers!

Four Times Charlie Left (and One Time She Stayed) by nonisland (PG, Charlie/Becky)
"This ain't the first time I've disappeared. You think my name is really Charlie Bradbury? Please."

In a Wide World after All by sariagray (PG, Dean, Sam, Charlie)
After Charlie leaves, it’s time to move forward. On an adventure. Coda to 8x20.

In Vino Veritas by copperleaves (PG, Dean, Charlie)
A "missing scene" from the end of 8x11. Dean and Charlie enjoy a post-victory tankard o' ale. A bit of humor. A smidge of angst. Two normally guarded people who can be vulnerable with each other because, hey, what are friends for?

Leave Your Nightmare by lilypetals (PG, Dean, Castiel, Charlie)
The Winchesters are off the radar, and Charlie's worried.

Lifetime Membership by ficwriter1966 (PG, Sam, Charlie)
She might have driven away at the end of Pac Man Fever, but she's not gone. Not as long as there's a phone near at hand.

Literary Analysis by EHyde (PG, Sam, Charlie)
Charlie gives Sam a pep talk--and some information he didn't know he was missing.

Public Service Announcement by EllieMurasaki (PG, Charlie)
Charlie does her part to keep the world safe.

Spike was always her favorite anyway by inplayruns (PG, Castiel, Charlie)
Charlie got away, so she wasn't expecting more visitors.

The Epic of Charlie Bradbury and the Break-In That Wasn't by Yalu (PG, Dean, Sam, Charlie)
Hi guys, um, it's me. I don't know if you're anywhere close right now but - someone just kind of broke into my apartment and I think they might be after me and I'm kind of freaking out here.

charlie bradbury, girls

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