[Nano] Birds And Butterflies 1/1 R

Nov 10, 2010 22:27

Title: Birds And Butterflies
Author missnegreenwood aka sagaluthien
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Dean Winchester
Theme: Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo
Prompt(s): # 17 Land (and mini_nanowrimo prompt repeat and the picture

Rating & Warning: R, disability;Autism, weechesters
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: The story popped up after that I saw the picture and that I'm weak to write stories where one or more characters has a disability, but it isn't for degrade any people that have one, as I'm being in that situation myself.

Summary: Sam put up a scene when he fall for a picture and get him calm is the only way for John to buy it.

Sam loved colours and could sit staring and following them on pictures for hours. Some was better than others, and if they were green and blue was the best. At times it was really hard to get Sam away from pictures if they had gone to a gallery or art museum.

John had been told by the doctors that it would be good therapy for Sam to be around pictures, so as often he could he would take his son's to one. Of course to more annoyance from Dean, but he followed as they could see the positive response Sam showed from it.

At the latest there had been this blue and green picture that Sam had totally refused to leave. He had put up such a scene that John had been forced to buy it from the artist. He had to pay extra so they could bring it at once with them.

Now Sam sat on his bed with it in front of him, staring and followed the shapes with his fingers. When the picture was done in oil paint there were raised lines and areas. Both John and Dean had stood for a long time watching Sam, and see the calm that had settled over him.

They wondered what was going on in Sam's head, what he saw, but they might never learn exactly as Sam still had to learn to put sentence together and say what he was feeling or wanted. He could a few things, but it seemed like he didn't fit it together. What they could do was keep repeat, train and work with him and then maybe one day he would be able to communicate better.


He just knew that he loved the picture and he didn't want to part from it. He did what he thought was right to not do it. He would stay there and when they came to try to force him away he started fighting and when that seemed useless he started screaming.

Somewhere inside he knew he acted wrong, but didn't understand what was wrong. Seeing both the older man and Dee changing between acting with shouting and trying to hug him. Though something he most have done right after that he did get the picture and didn't need to part from it.

Now he was left on the bed with the picture. It was beautiful. Nice colours. It was like a land. The picture and the colours spoke to him. It was like they tried to mix together, showing new pictures in it's self. He followed the figures. It felt good to touch it. There where a butterfly, a bird, a fish and lizard. It was like they wanted to draw him in. Saying 'come to me, come to us'.

The more he watched the picture, he thought he saw more butterflies and birds. He wanted to fly with them. Just float around. Be free like them. Be in the land.

~*~*~ The End ~*~*~

claim: sam winchester, !challenge: 30 nano-shots 2010, table: nanowrimo, type: fiction, author: missnegreenwood

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