Title: Countdown
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienCharacter(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester,
Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo Prompt(s): 23# mark
Rating & Warning: PG-13, girl!sam
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: Set in girl!Sam!verse. Start before the transformation.
Summary: One cross means one day closer.
Some would say it was childish, but Sam didn't care, as this was what he dreamt about. On his calendar he crossed over each day that past. One mark meant one day closer to get to who he actually was.
Sam was so happy that he was away from John, his dad that openly was against that he felt being trapped in his own body. That he felt that he actually was a girl. At first moment he really could flee he had and that was with his ticket to Stanford.
Arriving there he didn't wait long to live as much as he could like a woman. He had went to a few doctors, some he had been in contact with before he arrived there and started the whole process for fixing himself. Along with his studies he had find works to save as much money he could and what he wouldn't earn he would take a loan to pay for the operation he wanted.
Now there were not many day's left to the big day. To the day he no longer would be Samuel and really to become Samantha. He could have chosen a different name, but some how he had come to like the nick-name Dean always called him - Sammy and with the new he still could be Sam or Sammy.
Everything was great, with only one thing he would have loved to have and that was that he would have had contact with Dean. He had chosen to not keep contact with his brother because that would be to close to John, and he had not been ready to confront or wanted him to know about his plans.
Sam tried to persuade that maybe after he become the woman, then he maybe would try, but so far was his thoughts only for what he thought as the biggest day in his life, when he would be put all into the right place.