Title: A Bad Day
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienCharacter(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo Prompt(s): # 1 Ruin
Rating & Warning: PG-13, blind!Sam
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: Another snap-shot set in blind!Sam!verse
Summary: Easy task isn't as easy when you can't see.
Something seemed too happened everyday, and it was the fails and negative that lasted longest. Sam felt useless, was hopeless to learn things, frustrated that it took time to do the simplest thing.
Of course one of the first things this morning was to hear where Dean had put the cup of coffee so when he was about to take it he pushed it over the edge. Before it landed with the hot coffee on the floor it had made into his knee. Sam had jumped up swearing, trying to keep the warmth from his body. He had already been burned by it.
Dean had put a hand on him and tried to talk to him to take it easy, sit down so he didn't fell or messed up the spilled coffee more.
"But I ruined the clothes." Sam said as he did as his brother told him.
"It is nothing that a washing can fix. Sit put so I can clean it up and then I'll help you up and change clothes. I will be better to tell you where I put things."
Sam waited. He heard Dean walking in the kitchen, water turned on and off and he moved some things. After awhile he felt Dean's hand on his arm again.
"Let's get you changed."
After Sam rose he put his left hand on Dean's shoulder, and they went upstairs. When he changed he just wondered how long the new ones would be clean before he would ruin them or what else he would manage to fail at. At times like this he wished he had listened to Dean. He didn't like what his stupidities lead to. He hated himself and if he could he would have cried. Not even that he was able to do.