Title: Release Of The Evils
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienCharacter(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester,
Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo Prompt(s): # 28 Visit
Rating & Warning: NC-17, Maybe include spoilers for Season 6 (especially if you haven't seen any of it), Au
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: Take part after the Swan song, and went in a little different direction.
Summary: Sam is changed and he is the last one to know.
Sam quickly learned that he should have never let Lucifer in, but at the time it had looked as a good solution. The souls or essences of them was fighting and for each day it had looked like one or the other would win, but it seemed to continue endlessly. It drove Sam insane, quickly. He lost count of time and all he had to do was trying to survive. It didn't help that he was locked with Adam/Michael in the cage.
After a time Sam noticed that he had longer and longer moments of gaps of his memory. He was scared for what had happen during them, but to coward to try to find out. Before he know it there came a time he wasn't conscious at all.
After God how long Sam woke up. And it wasn't in the cage. Soon he knew he was back on earth. He was happy he was there and he didn't care how it came to be. He didn't care for anything else than himself.
At first he just get around, tried to save up some money and found it easy to con the people. He laid eyes on a car he wanted and he made sure to get it. Not caring that it belonged to someone else.
Sam searched for Dean and found that he was with Lisa. He went for a visit. There he observed. Did a nightly visit, but what he saw he could not destroy. He knew if he made himself known he would have destroyed everything, so he left.
There was just one thing Sam didn't perceive and that was what happened around him where ever he went. He didn't even react when there were articles after articles of crime, murders and all kind of evils from his footsteps. The wave was released from within the people, and it was what made Sam going.