Title: untitled snap-shot 29 - shelter
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienCharacter(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester,
Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo Prompt(s): # 27 Shelter
Rating & Warning: NC-17,
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: This was not what I first planned and wrote to not fail the challenge when it was just two days left. Takes sort of place between season 5 and 6, but can be spoiler of 6 - 1. Maybe little on the dark side.
Summary: The hope is gone, and what does a fight give for a meaningless victory.
It was silent, but not at the same time. What he became used to in the cage had disappeared and he was happy for that. Though he didn't like all the noises that were around him now either. There seem always to be someone babbling, complaining or making noises. He tried to shut it out but it was harder than shut all the demons out in hell.
He had found himself back on earth, not that far away from Lawrence actually he learned when he asked around, but he was left without anything and there were things he just knew were missing, but could not guess what. He could have tried to get back any of his old self, but guess that those that know him took him as dead and he did not want to mess up for them if they went forward.
Sam chose to just call him Sam, not giving any information of personal things. He tried to not give away to much of his knowledge and that hoped that most believed him to just remember what he went through from he 'woke up'. He hitch-hack, walked and stayed in the town's or cities just enough to get some money. It was more times than nothing he tried to find the shelters and churches that had the charities for the homeless. It became easier and easier as his hair and beard grow and his clothes became out washed, tattered and dirty. He never kept much more than he could dress in and at times a bag.
A few people he meet tried to talk him into that he could probably get a better life if he only wanted, but he didn't care. He felt quite indifferent. One day the God, Devil or who ever wanted destroy the world do it any way. Once he tried to stop it and what had it lead him to.