Title: The Devil Had A Hold Of Me
Genre: Wincest, PWP
Pairings or Characters: Sam/Dean
Type of beta you'd like: grammar, spelling, character voice - anything you're up for saying to me to improve and polish it.
Length: Stand-alone, about 1,500 words
Short Summary: After a hunt, the boys go back to their room and Sam ends up making the first move.
Sam was still watching, which is why he saw Dean sway. He stood just as Dean’s hand went out to steady himself against the wall, not close enough. Dean’s hand missed and then Sam was up behind him. Before Dean could fall he had an arm around his waist.
“Hey. You alright?”
“…yeah. Just dizzy.”
Dean didn’t move away though. Didn’t do anything but sigh.
A minute passed and Sam guided Dean’s hand to the wall, but still stood against him. Sam’s other arm came up, brushed against Dean’s hip and Dean shivered.
Dean shivered. Sam’s heart sped up. What was that about? “Does that hurt?”
There was a pause. Then, “No.”