Title: Cotton Tails Characters: Dean and Sam, Rowena mentioned Rating: R-ish? Word Count: 100 Summary: When are they going to learn that working with Rowena always comes at a price? Prompt: DEW Challenge: Easter special
Heehee!! :D:D Well I twas just gonna have them be boy bunnies, but then I thought fuck it, cause amusement value lol.....I won't lie, I'm kind of tempted to write the what happens next, lol but uh yes, thank you, lovely!! *smooches* ♥♥
Haha, right? I mean this is the content we deserve!! ;P bwa ha, thank you so very, very much, BB!! ♥♥ Hope you had a good Birthday!! (just in case you don't get v-gift notifications, I did send you one.) You inspired me to go ahead and write more of this, which is now posted, but it took a dip into wincesty areas, and I know you prefer Gen, so it's cool if you don't want to read it. But thank you, regardless. Love and hugs ♥
Oh no, I'll definitely take a look later - although I prefer to write gen, I enjoy reading a nice bit of slash; J2 is my favourite, but I don't mind a little bit of destiel or wincest too :)
I just checked and I did get your lovely V-gift thank you - thanks for drawing my attention to it; I didn't get a notification - I even checked my spam folder. I went into my settings page on Lj and there doesn't even seem to be a notification setting where I can switch V-gift notifications on and off! How silly... :P
:D:D Good to know. I hope you like it lol I posted a link in the above comments lol :)
You're welcome, bb!! ♥♥
Yeah I don't know what's up with that, I know we used to get v-gift notifications, I mean cause how often do we really check our own profile pages? But I guess LJ doesn't care about them anymore lol
:D:D Thank you, so very much, BB!! if you would like to uh see some more of them, I wrote a continuation to this posted here, in case you need the link lol ♥♥
Not sure if this is an intentional typo or not? lol ;P but I like it, and of course it automatically made me sing "And my body to bunnylicious for ya babe" in my head, heeeeeeeee, thank you, bb!! ♥♥
Comments 13
Love it
I just checked and I did get your lovely V-gift thank you - thanks for drawing my attention to it; I didn't get a notification - I even checked my spam folder. I went into my settings page on Lj and there doesn't even seem to be a notification setting where I can switch V-gift notifications on and off! How silly... :P
You're welcome, bb!! ♥♥
Yeah I don't know what's up with that, I know we used to get v-gift notifications, I mean cause how often do we really check our own profile pages? But I guess LJ doesn't care about them anymore lol
Hee hee hee, what a wonderful image *daydreams*
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