Title: Wine Wednesday Characters: Dean and Rowena Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: They've been doing this for a while now, and this week Dean has a surprise for her. Prompt: DEW Challenge: Rowena, Wine
I love the idea of Rowena teaching Dean all about wine and how to drink it - this made me chuckle... " you’ll never appreciate the full bouquet if you’re just going to hork it down like your usual swill". And I bet they end up in bed after a few bottles!
Thank you, BB!! *smishes and squishes and clings* ♥ I was really feeling kinda bummed that no one else seemed to like this. I really really love Dean and Rowena's chemistry and all the Regarding Dean interactions!! I just couldn't resist, and there is now more here :D:D ♥♥
Oh pish - you know what it doesn't matter a fuck if any one wants to read it or not, or no, I should say if they comment or not, you just be bloody proud you made this thing and it's out there in the wild! That's all that matters. But for the record, I LOVED IT!
Comments 8
"You? Want to cook? For me?"
Dean shrugs with a smile, very gently allowing his glass to swirl in his hand, “Might be nice to eat while we drink.”
He brought the glass up to his nose to inhale, before taking a sip.
Rowena’s eyes never leaving him.
“Well,” she said with a flourish of her hands, “Heavens knows you could learn a thing or two about etiquette in that department, too.”
Dean smirked a little, “You’re just dying to Pretty Woman me aren’t you?”
She reached up, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand, “My Fair Dean.”
.....could be tempted to write a little more ;P
Wine Wednesday
with a little something extra lol ♥♥
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