Title: Tricky Treaters
Characters: Dean,
Jody and Sam (mentioned)
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Dean opens the door wondering how he'd gotten roped into this. Oh yeah, Jody had called asking for help. Dean should have asked, "with what." Anyway, that's how he finds himself passing out perfectly good candy to little beggars dressed like things he hunts, while Jody, and her broken leg, relaxes on her couch.
"Trick or Treat," two flannel and denim wearing kids yell.
Dean, being pretty sure those aren't costumes, enquires, "Who are you two suppose to be?"
"I'm Dean. My sister's Sammy. We're monster hunters," the boy proudly says.
Dean thinks, "Chuck's dead... Sam's the girl at least,"
Title: That's My Candy
Characters: Dean, some poor guy
Rating: G
Title: Sam Hates Halloween
Character: Sam, Cas,
Dean and Jack (mentioned)
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Sam hates Halloween, and thanks to the reboot of It, this year is worse. Why would sane people want to dress up as a psycho alien CLOWN?! He lost count of how many Pennywise he ran into while he was in town for party supplies.
Dean thinks Jack needs a Halloween party and Sam doesn't want to spoil it for Jack. He's even dressed up... kind of. His professor sweater, a pocket protector, and his fake glasses; he makes a decent nerd.
Cas steps into the room... as Pennywise. "Dean says it's popular. What do you think?"
Sam yells, "Dean!!!"
Title: Party Invite
Character: Dean, Sam, Cas, and Crowley
Rating: PG