Title: The Law
Author: khakigrrl
Disclaimer: Don’t own. Don’t sue.
Warnings: 5x22 spoilers, 1st person/God POV (What? Kripke did it!)
Pairings: None
Rating: G
Word count: 250-ish
Author’s Note: Cross-posted up the wazoo, the ying yang, and a few other places.
lfvic, thanks for the encouragement. It’s been years since I’ve fic’d and never in SPN, so it’s going out to a wider audience now mostly ‘cause you liked it. ;-)
Summary: It's a universal law.
It's a universal law. One of many I established at the beginning of all things. As inextricable as gravity or classical mechanics.
Free will.
All my conscious creations have it. Human and spirit, demon and angel, chupacabra and wendigo. Some might deny it exists for them, but denial, after all, is just another choice.
Humans spend most of their time thinking about it; thanking or cursing me, depending on the consequences. Their scholars and laymen, geniuses and idiots, poets and advertisers have philosophized on it many ways.
The lady or the tiger?
To be or not to be.
Paper or plastic?
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
Towards the beginning, Lucifer chose to rebel, and Michael chose to obey.
Towards the end, Mary chose a deal, and John chose a hunt.
All are choices, some good, some bad. Who am I to judge? After all, I am constrained by the same law. I make choices all the time, mostly I choose not to interfere.
Death comes to some, but it comes to all eventually, and it's not the end of choices.
Sam chose to hunt a trickster for six months. Dean chose the rack.
Sam chose to hunt a demon for four months. Dean chose to step off.
Sam chose to love. For two months, Dean chose to live.
Mostly, I choose not to interfere.
But sometimes I make exceptions.
Standing under a flickering lamppost, looking into a warm home, Sam has another choice to make.