Okay, this one wasn`t easy to figure out as I`m spoiled all the way. However actual spoilers and speculations thereof will be whited out and the passages marked to be read at your own risk. So yes, it does contain spoilers but they`re invisible at first. :)
General speculation of what may be down the line further for Sam will be spoiler-free and thus fair game.
"My plans for you, Sammy" - Season 2 speculation on Sam Winchester
My plans for you, Sammy, and all the children like you. This was the Demon`s answer to Sam`s inquiry as to how Mary and Jess were in the way. And it would also serve as a little cheeky shout-out to the writers since obviously they are the ones having plans for Sam. ;)
It doesn`t actually come as a surprise since right from the Pilot episode we`ve speculated that the Demon was after Baby Sammy somehow. Later we met Max, a kid who had suffered the same fate as Sam but with a violent aftermath. Another baby, Rosie, the brothers managed to save in Salvation.
These children don`t seem to have been chosen randomly as each of them has psychic gifts. Sam is pregocnitive, Max had telekinetic abilities and Rosie may or may not have been a mind-reader.
Sam displayed brief telekintetic abilites in "Nightmare" but it was never made clear if he tapped into Max`s here or if his own powers were evolving.
Generally though just for storytelling reasons and to keep the suspense they won`t have him become invulnerable or Superman-ish in his abilities as the brothers fight ghosts, demons and the stuff of urban legends and not General Zod, Magneto or Voldemort. Also it would be yawn-worthy.
Now the Demon`s plan doesn`t seem to make lots of sense. Why only burn the mothers? What if nobody saves the babies? Why suddenly a girlfriend? How long is this harvesting supposed to go if one generation is primed and ready yet he is still searching out babies? And why doesn`t it protect the special kids if it has plans for them?
Basically there is a lot of head-scratching going on here. At least for me.
This Demon-Arc or "Mytharc" as it`s been called is a continuous theme throughout the first Season, playing quietly in the background at first but steadily gaining momentum till everything goes to hell in the Finale. Yet there is no resolution there so it has to be revisited in Season 2 with possibly more interaction with the Demon, its possessed minions/childrens and/or the special kids. As well as a revisiting of Sam`s psychic powers.
How much that will be played up I think depends on how long they plan to draw this Demon storyline out. Will Season 2 be the end of it (since I`m underwhelmed with the Demon`s whimsical plans I`d prefer that) or will it be a show thing?
Ultimately it also becomes an important question about Sam`s motivations. Season 1 was a search for Dad and desire to revenge Jess with clear plans to go back to school after it was finished. Now Sam knows he literally can`t UNTIL they kill the Demon And he has the added motivation of his family being targeted and tortured again. However it would be very sad and depressing if the show went on for 5 years and Sam is kept in this life against his will. Talk about burn-out.
Spoiler-Alert here
In episode 5 "Simon Says" we will meet the twins Andy and Webber, who, raised separately, both possess the power of mind-control and use it to their own advantage. While Andy so far "only" seems to screw people out of money, personal possessions and sex!, Webber has already moved on to murder and is apparently being guided by the Demon in this.
Sam is shown to possess immunity against the mind-control here so the question becomes if he is immune only to psychic powers that attack the mind as he was vulnerable to Max`s TK or if his powers evolve.
Otoh if the special kids are designed to work as some kind of Captain Demon Team with their powers feeding off and iteracting with each other, it makes sense to have them immune against the dude with the mind control, especially in case he becomes unstable and turns against the Demon.
It would also make sense that the Demon can control the Special kids at all times, i.e. that they`d be vulnerable to him in a way. Maybe Sam literally can`t move against the thing alone and there is where the brother bond comes into play. Team-work at its best. :)
Reactions from the brothers are somewhat predictable too, Dean denies the hell out of the special kid = destined to go evil and corrupted-line of thinking while Sam frets over this very prospect and over-identifies with at least Andy here.
It is unclear if this Demon storyline will start driving a wedge between the brothers or bring them closer together. After the revelation in Devil`s Trap Sam ought to be more determined than ever to hunt and kill this thing while Dean may be more reluctant to do so if he fears Sam is running headfirst into his doom and feels helpless and useless to protect him there.
He should also try to find (dangerous) ways to be of help to Sam which in turn would make Sam not happy. It`s a pardon the pun, devil`s trap. :)
This might very well bring them to blows with each other, even a physical separation would be possible, though this show lives of their brotherly bond and therefore in the end they have to stand united again or we`ll have no freaking show. ;)
Furthermore in the first Season there have been little glimpses of a darker side of Sam and while Max`s situation in "Nightmare" was different, he clearly did lose it. So Sam`s fears about being predestined to go down a path of evil might very well turn into reality.
Especially if he is trying so hard NOT to succumb to his powers, trying not to get corrupted by it. Now granted visions of the future aren`t an active power to hurt someone but just imagine a scenario where he saw something and uses it to help his goal, aka kill the Demon, while letting some innocent knowingly pay the price for it. It would be a play on the old them of "the road to hell..."
Also there is this little thing about Dean being a target just because he is near Sam and Sam knowing how his brother has a tendency to jump between him and danger. Fear, anger, vengeance, the desire to end this as quickly as possible - all this might very well blind him as to what path he is going down.
That said I don`t think they would go for outright evil here because it has to be possible to plausibly redeem him later and make him the hero again. And Sam going off and slaughtering orphans would make this a teensy bit hard. ;)
Very interesting in this regard would be a theme of dark mirrors, Dean the hunter of evil and Sam slowly becoming evil. It would also mean Dean has to up his ante because the brothers have to be evenly matched for this to work.
Now I`m not talking about some cheesy lightside-darkside showdown here, with Sam being redeemed by love in the last possible second. The show so cleverly played against this cliché in Asylum where they had Sam pull the freaking trigger and not cope-out by the powers of twu wuv.
So since they got it right on a smaller scale, I certainly do hope they will treat it with care on an epic one.
In this regard Episode 3 "Bloodlust" is very interesting as we meet Gordon, a dedicated hunter who bonds with Dean. Later we learn that Gordon has lost all perspective and has pretty much become like his prey, a killer out of "bloodlust."
We also learn that Gordon killed his own sister once she became a vampire and he makes a remark about it to Dean which could be prophetic.
I gotta say, I`m excited about the prospect of a Dark Mirror theme here. Dean would harden in his hunting, do questionable things in his quest to save others and most notably Sam from himself.
While Sam would do pretty much the same for the same reasons. Only that very thing would drive them in opposite directions.
So it wouldn`t be as clear cut as good vs. evil but moral ambiguity on either side. That would rock IMO.
The Demon`s revelation also puts a big dampener on Sam`s social life. As we saw with Sarah in Provenance, he at least left the door open for further visits, maybe even a relationship down the life. He had left himself open there.
Yet now his worst fears have been confirmed. Apparently he really does spell doom to people who get close to him, at least to females. So it would make absolutely no sense for him to enter into a relationship. He is a smart guy and still (and probably will forever) feels guilt about Jessica`s death.
So until they kill this Demon the only reason for Sam to enter into a relationship would be if he wanted the chick to end up extra-crisp on the ceiling.
Does that preclude him from feeling kinship with another female? Probably not as feelings are something we have no control over. Yet I`d still found it hard to buy to have him outright fall for someone. He was quite serious about Jess, planning to marry her after all and a year isn`t all that much to grieving people, especially if they have lost someone in such a violent manner.
So even if he might meet someone, (and he won`t be actively looking, that`s for sure) the most I could see would be a very tentative platonic kind of thing.
Now it would be possible that he would feel drawn to a another special kid whom he might feel is safer with him or at least on the same level as a target anyway. Yet the Demon hasn`t intervened in Max`s suicide, equally not when demonic Cade Foster would have beaten Sam to death or when a semi would have crushed them all to death.
And the Winchesters have proven to be quite a thorn in Its side. So It might sacrifice a special kid just to prove a point with Sam. And Sam would think of it. He is the think-everything-through-at-every-angle-kind-of-guy. I don`t believe he wouldn`t consider this.
So to me that spells a big fat NO to a serious romantic storyline unless they wrap up the Demon arc first. Or the writers would have to work overtime to sell it because the "this is twu wuv, they just can`t help themselves" would be a lame cop-out which wouldn`t do Sam`s character justice. You might not be able to control what you feel but surely how you act on that.
In that regard I hope they treat this Ava thing with care. The background doesn`t make it clear if it doesn`t amount to more as some (one-sided) UST, some bonding or just a one-time-deal.
It would also make sense for him to sever ties with his old College life even more. The Demon through Meg has shown to have no qualms going after the friends of the Winchesters so who`s to say Becky the 30 year old College student and brother Zack of the unfortunate eyebrows won`t get it if the Demon has a mind to torment Sam?
The question of what becomes of John Winchester seems to shape up as a major arc for the Season. Apparently Papa makes a deal with the Demon to save Dean`s life. And apparently he dies and is sent to hell as part of the deal.
Now this should be a major developent for both brothers. Sam and his Dad might have reconciled slightly in Shadow and DMB but there was still tons of baggage between them so Dad kicking the bucket should be a factor for some intense grieving on Sam`s and Dean`s side both.
Recent speculation indicate that there might be an attempt to rescue John from hell. As exciting as that sounds from a production value level how are they plan to pull that off? Also it is pretty much as far as you can go. After hell everything else should be peanuts.
Anyway I would hope both brothers would be involved in this. If they fight on two fronts, Sam vs. Demon, Dean in hell I`d feel cheated on both fronts. The respective other would belong in either fight. No to mention that it would be ludicrous if they alone managed this.
So I`ve been very excited about some spoilers (others not so much *cough* *cough* ) and they could make for a kick-ass storyline for both brothers if they play it right.
I gotta say this is what I ultimately want to see, the brothers kicking ass, even each others if need be. :)
Now they should both have - good - storylines and emotional arcs that are their own, after all they are separate people but I`d be very displeased if the show tried to break up the core bond of SamandDean. They are my OTP here and nothing will ever change that. *nods* *g*